What's your favourite city builder video game?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2019
There are a lot of city builder video games on the market there. Some of them are set in the modern world, some of them in the medieval one and others are set in God knows what time period. So, do you have any favourite games of that type? How often do you play them?

I have played Banished and Cities: Skylines. But I like Banished more as it's the type of a city builder where it requires you to master the game, manage resources and think a few steps ahead of what you are planning to do. When I was playing Cities: Skylines I got bored so fast of the game, might be because I have watched a ton of videos in YouTube before playing the game myself. But it's still a good one.
My favorite has to be the Simcity series. I've been playing them since 1988. Simcity 2015 is my fav city builder of all time. Very cool! I also have the "Cities of Tomorrow" expansion. I've tried Cities Skylines but didn't like it as much.
I don't know many games of that type.
Of course, as someone has already mentioned, it's Minecraft. I still remember a very old game, but I had a great time - Sim City 3000
SimCity 4 will always be my favourite. But I’m currently playing a lot of Cities:Skylines mainly because it works with my PC
Inspired by the thread, I bought CIty Skylines - Decent game, although very easy

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