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Nov 16, 2018
Got a video game streaming channel? Or a video? Want to share it with the community? This is the thread for that!

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You can embed your video entirely into the post by simply copy and paste of the URL of your streaming channel/video.

Users may bump the thread once per day or as and when a new video is uploaded.

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Yeah they do. They have a nifty feature called FTL (Faster than Light) which basically enables them to not have any delay between when something is posted in chat and a streamer sees it/can respond, It's like interacting with the streamer in real-time as if you were face to face with them. It's awesome. :-)
Yeah they do. They have a nifty feature called FTL (Faster than Light) which basically enables them to not have any delay between when something is posted in chat and a streamer sees it/can respond, It's like interacting with the streamer in real-time as if you were face to face with them. It's awesome. :)
Ah, we have something like that on Twitch called Low Latency. Works a charm :)
Hey im following you on mixer what games do you stream :)
I'm a variety streamer. I stream a lot of FPS games, Call of Duty, battlefield, I'm gonna be bringing in Titanfall 2 soon i think, Anthem perhaps and possibly The Division 2. I'm having some health issues at the moment but plan on being back to streaming soon! :)
I've never heard of that platform, but i'll check it out! When are you planning to do your next stream?

If I were you I wouldn't go for Mixer, because I think it will never get as big as Twitch... Go for the big audience!
But of course you never know for sure... Good luck anyways, I support you! ;)
This game was one of my second favourites of all time. I have completed it but I still need to get the expansion pack. One of the best soundtracks too!

Great detailed video, thanks for sharing!
I've never heard of that platform, but i'll check it out! When are you planning to do your next stream?

If I were you I wouldn't go for Mixer, because I think it will never get as big as Twitch... Go for the big audience!
But of course you never know for sure... Good luck anyways, I support you! ;)
Twitch has a pretty toxic community, I've found the support and overall community on Mixer to be much better and more supportive. I also prefer the user interface and overall experience on Mixer over Twitch. "Bigger" audiences doesn't always mean GOOD audiences, nor does it really help in the long run, being 1 in a sea of millions or even billions may not get you anywhere ;)

I did a stream yesterday, I'm trying to go live at least twice a week, with bonus streams thrown in when I can do so. :)
Hello Everybody!

I am new to the community so it is nice to meet you all. I am here to show you a video titled “This Will Shock You.” I enjoy it and think you all will too!
This Will Shock You
Welcome to Joyfreak! Dragonboy92465 good game choice ..cheers :)

Btw Dragonboy92465 I checked out the video, yes I agree it is nice and I hope the channel keeps growing. I subscribed and cheers!

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