3 Unique Slot Machine Themes You Won't Have Heard Of


Close your eyes. Imagine a casino - go to the slot machines. What can you see? A hoard of games promising Egyptian adventures and a trip under the sea? While most slot machines these days have a theme, you don't need to be a professional gambler to know that certain themes are more popular than others.

Even though there's absolutely nothing wrong with these popular themes, a big part of gambling is trying something fun and new that you've not done before. That's why slot machines with themes that are slightly, shall we say, one-of-a-kind can make this experience a lot more memorable.

So, before you check out the free slot games where you can win real money at this source, why not first immerse yourself in these three weird and wonderful themes that exist for slot machines somewhere in the world? Who knows. They might tickle your fancy enough to even make a dedicated visit!

Planet Exotica​

Exotic characters, exotic treasures and exotic landscapes: sure, you might have heard of exotic slot machines before. But we doubt you've heard of exotic aliens. Yup, you did read that right. What would you say if you could test your luck on slots that include sexy aliens dancing at an intergalactic strip club? Lucky players of this certain slot game can enjoy some strange-looking entities strutting their stuff in sharp outfits, while winners get their very own unique show from one of the hot space characters.

Can it get weirder? Well, yes. There's also a bonus round aptly named "Select a Smooch" where players can select which alien's lips they would like to snog. Oh, and did we mention the "Sneak a Peak" bonus round where matching items of clothing on the reels is key to a big win? In short, if you're weirdly into alien strippers, you might really enjoy this one-of-a-kind slot theme.

Cash n Curry​

You've probably already guessed by the name just what this theme entails. If you guessed curry, you'd be right. For fans of a good takeaway Indian meal, this theme might just be right up your street. However, there's a twist. While you might at first presume this slot includes things like vegetable curry sauce, chicken tandoori and turmeric, this slot machine doesn't actually have the normal curry-related things on its reels.

Instead, players can enjoy playing for the jackpot with papadums, classic sevens and ruby rings - not to mention the odd lime and chili being thrown your way! There's also a bonus game on this machine where you have to create a combination of chicken baltis. Three baltis in a row on the balti rack will see you declared the worthy winner. Last but not least, perhaps the most unusual graphic feature in this game: a person literally exploding from eating too much Indian food... well, at least the game is somewhat realistic!

Drag Queens​

While the final one-of-a-kind slot theme on this list isn't yet used in real-life gambling gameplay, it's still very much worth mentioning. Drag culture and drag queens have recently been making their mark in video games, helping to empower players not just to embrace their unique identities but to blur the boring lines of gender representation. This leads us to the genius bit of marketing used by RuPaul’s Drag Race to promote its new series.

The geniuses behind the series created a unique slot filter for fans to use on their social media accounts. To create this filter, the team enlisted the help of their brilliant roster of Vegas Queens who came together to encourage fans to use this filter - and spread the word that RuPaul was returning. What was the result? We hear you crying. Well, not only did this unique feature garner over 2M social media impressions, but it also received 40.3K shares and 548.2K captures. It's safe to say then when it comes to unique slot themes, this one really did come out on top.
If I could take pictures of people who are dressed up and be left alone while doing so, that would be nice.

Invite some
"ladies of the night" to gain business while being dressed up via a theme. They dress up take some pictures and then go about there personal business ( which has nothing to do with the casino ).

Make a Videogame theme ( or Michael Jackson Neverland Ranch ) Casino, with all the game sounds that are tasteful.

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