Effect of Gaming on Learning


The impact of technological advancement has seen the adoption of non-conventional tools and learning methods. One such tool is gaming. One might argue how relevant gaming is in the classroom. While there is no right or wrong answer, taking time to explore gaming as a unit gives us a better chance at deciding whether to support or shun the idea. Therefore, this exploration of the effect of gaming on learning immerses us in the two sides of the coin as we navigate the labyrinth of gaming.

Games as a Tool​

Schools are embracing the use of games to engage learners and change the notion and perception about learning being a dull affair. They are proving successful in engaging the students, especially when tackling complex subjects that require interactive learning styles like Mathematics and Sciences.

Games are slowly proving to be an essential tool in promoting interactive learning. They are effective in breaking down complex theories and concepts. They have been proven to make it easier for learners to learn new languages.

The Positive Impact of Gaming in Learning​

All these factors are held constant; it is safe to say games have a significant potential to aid learners in changing their mindset about learning. For instance, gamifying a school assignment into a game dubbed ‘write my essay‘, activates a spirit of competition among the learners to complete their tasks. Hence, they become sensitized to complete their schoolwork on time with more accomplishments.

1. Student Motivation​

Gaming has been linked to an increase in a student's motivation to learn. According to studies, using gaming as a learning tool has made more students interested in understanding certain concepts. It has also boosted their understanding of these concepts, hence, better academic results.

Gaming as a learning tool is associated with extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. For instance, extrinsic motivation is linked to the rewards a learner receives accolades and rewards for completing a challenge. Intrinsic motivation stems from the satisfaction of tackling a difficult task, completing an item, or learning something new.


2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills​

Gaming is used to challenge the learner's thinking and reasoning capacity. As a result, they are confronted with the need to sharpen their problem-solving skills. It also sharpens the learner's collaborative and teamwork skills. A quick comparison between learners who use gaming as a learning tool and those who do not highlights a significant difference between the two learners.

3. Improved Goal Setting​

Gaming thrusts the learner into the maze of goal setting that requires honesty and practicality when setting goals. Gaming as a learning tool encourages criterion-based assessments, which also factor in the novelty of the environment. As a result, tutors prefer using this tool in goal setting.

Gaming also calls for using a problem-based approach when tackling academic issues. As such, the learner has a better understanding of their case and a better determination of the problem. Hence, they set clear goals on problem solving their academic woes, whether it’s to purchase essay or handle the task themselves.

4. A Personalized Experience​

Another significant positive impact of using gaming as a learning tool is the liberty and ability to customize the curriculum to meet individual needs. Games allow the player to select their preferred hardness level. In the same way, interactive learning tools provide this option; hence, newbie learners can easily catch up with their mates.

As a learning tool, gaming provides instant feedback on how well a learner is doing. As such, a tutor can quickly assess the learner to determine their strengths and weaknesses and complement the learning tool with specific roles. That way, they stand a better chance at tailor-making an approach that serves a particular student's needs.

Negative Effects of Gaming​

Even though gaming has many positive effects, we cannot overlook their negative impact. Explained below are the adverse effects you are likely to encounter:

1. Decreased Attention​

While games pose a potential tool for aiding learners in changing their perceptions about education, being the fun and interactive elements of education, they can be a risk. For instance, learners risk being too hooked to them to the extent of not paying enough attention to their studies and what is expected of them.

Since most of these games are specific to a student, the tutor has little to no control over the student's time playing the game. Therefore, this remains a challenge to tutors, especially in virtual learning settings.

2. Addiction​

Excessive reliance on gaming as a learning tool risks plunging the learner into addiction. This makes it challenging to adopt other conventional learning tools. Moreover, gaming addiction is likely to impact their academic performance.

3. Social Isolation​

Gaming as a learning tool does not foster physical interactions. As a result, the players are likely to get lost in the games to the extent of preceding their physical relationships. Such instances put their social development at risk.

Gaming has affected the learners' social skills by creating the illusion that playing games with computer robots is a form of interacting with someone on the other end. As a result, it significantly contributes to social awkwardness among learners.

4. Poor Academic Performance​

The unregulated use of gaming as an educational tool can result in poor academic performance. This manifests, especially when the learner spends long periods playing these games.

To Wrap It Up​

As established, gaming is a helpful tool that most academic platforms are turning to as an aid to making learning more fun and enjoyable. It fosters interactive learning and lets the tutor keep tabs on the learner's strengths and shortcomings. As a result, they can tailor-make instructions to suit specific cases.

Even though these benefits might look enticing, exploring the negative side of relying on gaming tools in education is essential. Some of the most prevalent ones include addiction to the games, deteriorating social skills, and poor academic performance due to the need for proper guidance.
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Call of Duty Mobile anyone? If so add me: UnalivedBeauty and I do have up and down games depends on how I am feeling and if I want to give an effort lol or am I just playing to just have something to do jkjk, but I do enjoy playing Cod mobile though
First of all, don't have greasy food and trash all around your PC. lol
Nope I see no benefits at all. Yes if you enjoy videogames on an insane high level as I do, and come across a major, then mention a title or two, you might get an amazing response. It is like studying Music, and then finding an wholesome girl in which make that a conversational piece. Can you learn/Master writing ( old script not new ) and speaking Chinese then we talk about the benefits of videogames. If any was something nice for me to have, but then again I could have been doing so many other things as well. Do I regret? No. It is like what the Monarch ( from Venture Brothers ) men said "Before the Monarch I was on crack and PCP, The Monarch changed my life". That is what video-games is for me. Outside of illustrating, drawing, and doing homework there was nothing else, and even if there was something else I never saw the use until later in life.

Life as a game is literally "Oh we need that one item/skill/ability/trick" and the door remains closed, outside of hacking it.

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