The Top 10 LoL Most Aggressive Champions (2022 Edition)


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

Let me start off this list with a question. Have you ever lost a lane so hard that you asked and questioned your sanity and your game sense? If you have that's because the enemy played aggressive champions and played to their strengths.

Today you'll learn about some of those champions and probably learn how to play that way. If you don’t intend on playing aggressively or even trying to play to the champion’s strengths then this list my friend isn’t for you at all. You can read some of my other articles that might suit your playstyle! Anyways enough about me blabbering around let’s get into the champions.

10. Pantheon


"Pick up your weapon and fight! Don't give up!"

First up on the list we have Pantheon “The Unbreakable Spear”t”. Once upon a time Pantheon used to be the great top laner everyone feared but as the game got updated he fell off and now he's in the support role. He brought the terror with him down to bot lane.

The main point of Pantheon is making sure that your ADC lives and the enemy is so afraid of you that they refuse to even CS. Don't worry this isn't hard to do as you simply have to do the basic combo which is W>Q>AA>E. I mean if you can't do that you might as well give up on playing champions and just play Yuumi. But if you don't have the chance to get close to your enemies you can always use your Q as a long-range poke.

You'll always have this ability up so make sure that you use it as much as possible. Oh and don't worry about going all in your E blocks all damage that's coming from the front. But if they get behind you well then your ass is theirs and that seems like a problem, not your ADC's.

What makes Pantheon Most Aggressive:
  • He's able to go all in and give his all as soon he hits level 3.
  • Able to block all incoming damage from the front with his E.
  • Doesn't care about your well-being all he wants is blood on his spear.
  • His spear is restless ;).

9. Brand


"I will set the world on fire!"

Ah, Brand is probably one of my favorite supports to play simply because he can deal damage even if he's 0-10. A quick fact for you guys is that Brand used to be a mid laner until the AP mage support meta was born. Now Brand is stuck down as support with no way of playing him anywhere else.

Brand's personality is like his gameplay. He's a ruthless aggressive guy with daddy issues who wants to set the world on fire. When Brand gets in the range of his enemies you can expect him to roast you up some nice kills. Brand's aggressive playstyle is what makes him unique and a terror on the bot lane.

Same as with Pantheon you need to use all 3 of your abilities to your advantage. His combo goes like this E>Q>AA>W. Once you use all three abilities from your kit Brand will set his enemies on a ticking timer. Once the timer goes down they explode in a fiery blaze. You do the same thing in a team fight except you can use his R. The higher the level of this ability the more bounces it will do, the more bounces it does the more roasted kills for you and your team hopefully.

What makes Brand Most Aggressive:
  • Brand can start being aggressive as soon as he levels up his W.
  • Hitting three abilities onto your enemies sets them on a ticking timer before they explode.
  • Brand's ultimate is known to break relationships apart by exploding them one by one.
  • Fireman with daddy issues.


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