Destiny 2 transmog system takes 25 hours to make a set


The new Destiny 2 transmog system will take 25 active hours of playing to make a full set of Guardian gear.

This comes after Today In Destiny’s JpDeathBlade, discovered the first ingredient of Destiny 2‘s new transmog system, Synthstrands, are time-locked to drop once every two minutes. A total of 150 Synthstrands can then be exchanged into a Bounty via Ada-1, which will in turn offer 100 Synthcord when completed. The 100 Synthcord is then exchanged for Synthweave, which does the transmog.

Players who actively earn a Synthstrand every two minutes will therefore earn 30 Synthstand per hour, meaning it will take 5 hours to get a Synthcord Bounty from Ada-1, and completing that may require prayer to RNGesus to ensure an easy one. Regardless, those numbers mean it’ll take at least 25 hours to transmog a full set of Guardian gear, including helmet, chest, arms, legs and a class item.

JpDeathBlade also points out that there are caps to the amount of Synthstrands (750), Synthcord (500) and Synthweave (15) you can carry, with the exception being the item that’s obtainable through Destiny 2‘s in-game currency of Silver: Synthweave Templates at 999,999.

You can check out a list of raid weapons and armor on the Destiny 2 Vault of Glass table.

Destiny 2 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Stadia and Window PC. It’s also available on Xbox Game Pass.


Destiny 2 Beyond Light​

10 Nov 2020 (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC)​

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25 hours seems like a decent amount of time, if the players are patient enough :p

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