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Let me start this article off with a question for you. How many champions do you hate playing against? Too many to count on your fingers? Well, those champions will probably be on this list. But let’s be real there’s a difference between being trash at the game and playing against annoying champions.
If you don’t know in which category you go, maybe you should try getting good at the game and see what it means to play against annoying champions. So let’s list these champions and maybe I’ll tell you how to play against them.
15. Fiddlesticks
Let’s start this list off with a guy that can fear anyone who comes in contact with him. He can fear your whole team, suck them off and then run away into the jungle to hide and do it all over again. Will your team learn from that encounter?
Hell no they will make the same mistake over and over again until you lose the match. That’s how the brain of sheep people works. What can you do against a menace like this? Honestly placing wards and having vision on Fiddlesticks is your best bet.
If you have vision over Fiddlesticks his passive ability won’t work then and your team will be able to finally kill him. That’s the most annoying thing about this champ. The fact that he can fear a whole team single-handedly and kill them while you stand there unable to do anything sucks.
Why Fiddlesticks Is Annoying:
- Has the ability to fear your whole team.
- Has an AoE ultimate ability.
- He can suck multiple people off and drain their health slowly and he can recast the ability again instantly.
14. Rammus
Next up we have a turtle. How can this turtle be annoying? I mean he’s just a tank, right? Well, there’s your first issue: he's a tank that can leap towards you. He can also roll around and the more he rolls the faster he gets.
Rammus is the best counter to AD champions. Any champion that only deals AD damage is the one who is in trouble. Good luck trying to deal damage to this creature. Because you won’t make a single dent on his shell. This champion annoys me the most because I’m an ADC main and playing against Rammus sucks a lot.
You can’t push the wave, you can’t start a fight against the other team or do anything at all. You never know when he’s going to pop out of the jungle rolling at the speed of sound to beat you up. Not to mention when you attack this creature you’ll be dealing damage to yourself as well. And sometimes you’ll deal more damage to yourself than to Rammus himself. He can also taunt you with the click of a button.
Why Rammus Is Annoying:
- Counters every single AD champ in the game.
- Can taunt you with the click of a single button.
- When attacking him you’ll also be dealing damage to yourself.
[Top 15] LOL Most Annoying Champions To Play Against
[Top 15] LOL Most Annoying Champions To Play Against