Videos that make you go WOAH, like epic.


Well-known member
May 23, 2022
So I was thinking, why don't we share ? WOAH EPIC, level videos that we can remember or find in this thread, so that we can liven this place up a bit. ?

I'll start:

Wall of speakers that will let you see soundwaves. ?
Though a few warnings from the reddit comments, have people talking about how bad it is to have tinnitus, as it is basically a lifelong condition, so take care of your ears. ??

so here's on from the wacky australian crafter youtuber, "I DID A THING"

a gun... on a robot dog... ?

I think I want one.?

Frick, I guess this next one's title explains it all...
Don't let your kids drive, especially if you're a PILOT!

just listening to the audio log, I was clenching my teeth just imagining the sheer horror of the passengers. ?

now I think I have to search for a full on documentary, so I can understand what really happened to the Aeroflot 593 crash. ?

BMW's "chameleon" car, it's cool, but I can just imagine the cost would be sky high. ??

now, this is awesome, and insanely scary at the same time. ?
I'd want to try this for myself, assuming I get a proper VR set for gaming later on, but I'd never want to see this in real life at all. ?

Also, the comments are split between wanting to die immediately than a slow radiation death, or surviving as long as you can.

I'm not sure what I'd choose.

I also found the nuclear VR experience on steam, I'll put it down below the video. ?

I also found a highlighted comment on the nuke vid of what to do in case of a nuclear explosion...
Very informative. ?

Follow up to the post about the VR nuke. ??
this time it's interviews with military veterans from various nuke experiences, like the nuke testing...

It's hard to imagine being a young soldier and then putting you on boats, telling you nothing about the test then only saying, "don't look at the flash"
and then dropping a nuclear bomb relatively nearby. I'd probably empty my bowels totally if that was me. ???


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