Reviews [Top 15] LOL Best Solo Queue Champions (Current Meta)


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021
Welcome to the best champions for your solo queue adventures! Don't be selfish and keep that depression to yourself to share it with your champions!

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Before we begin naming and ranking the champions for you to play and enjoy, let me define what solo queue is. When you are brave enough to play ranked alone, you are said to be solo queuing. During your solo adventures, you will come across a lot of idiots and morons. The only way to combat this is to use broken champions to carry you to victory.

To win, you'll still need game sense and mechanics, but the champions on this list will do the heavy lifting. Also, keep in mind that each champion has a unique playstyle, so they may not be suitable for you; I'll make that clear as well. Another reason to choose a good solo queue champion is that they can potentially 1v9.

In short, you'll lose less LP and your OP.GG will be happier rather than depressed. Let's get started with the list now that you understand what solo queue is and why you should choose a good champion.

15. Shen (Top)


“Balance in everything.” (Video by domisumReplay: Shen)
Shen always comes to mind when I think of the greatest top support tank champion. Keep in mind that, despite being a support champion, he can deal a lot of damage. Most players who play against him underestimate his ability to deal damage and always come up short. Of course, players who are aware of Shen's abilities tend to avoid him.

The best thing about Shen is that he can always help his team from anywhere on the map. He's great for the solo queue because he can potentially prevent his teammates from feeding and inting the enemy team. His ultimate ability allows him to provide a massive shield to the person he is saving, after which Shen will teleport to their location to assist them. He also has the ability to taunt people so that they only attack him while his team deals the damage.

Why Shen Is Great For Solo Queue:

  • He can protect his whole team with his ultimate ability.
  • Stops people from feeding and inting.
  • Has an ability that forces the enemies to attack him.
  • Great abilities that allow him to trade back and forth in the laning phase.
  • If you have the mechanics you can win a 1v2 situation.

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