The Top 10 LoL Most Hated Champions (2022 Edition)


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

When it comes to this game there are a lot of things players hate especially when it comes to champions. This list will consist of champions that players hate the most and that they hate seeing either on their team or on the enemy team during their match. If you were to ask me which champion I hate the most I’d put every single champion on this list.

I don’t like anyone or anything from this game but I am addicted so I play it every day. As for the champions, if you like playing them it’s up to you but just know that you’re a hated member of the League of Legends community and nobody likes you.

10. Seraphine


"I sing to help them find themselves. The stage just makes it easier!"

The first champion we have on this list isn’t primarily broken but she’s certainly hated and her name is Seraphine “The Starry-Eyed Songstress”. When Seraphine was created the only thing that Riot had in mind was money. She’s a cash cow for Riot Games.

When Seraphine was released she also got a K/DA skin called “K/DA All Out Seraphine” which is an ultimate skin Riot only makes once in a blue moon. As you might have guessed it wasn’t well received and that’s why she’s on this list.

Not to mention that her lore involves Skarner’s family and she uses his family as her microphone and the podium she stands on. Riot Games certainly wasn’t on their A-game when they were making this character.

What makes Seraphine Most Hated:
  • She was only created for money and nothing else.
  • Her lore wasn’t fleshed out properly and it seemed like it was created only in 1 hour.
  • Some of her abilities were annoying at first but Riot Games nerfed her after they earned a lot of money from her.

9. Aphelios


"So many weapons Aphelios, the deadliest of them is your faith."

Next up we have Aphelios “The Weapon Of The Faithful”. Oh, man Aphelios is one special egg. Aphelios has one of the most complicated ability descriptions I’ve ever read. Not only is it complicated but it is also really damn huge. Even today you have some players reading his abilities and don’t know what he even does.

To put it simply each weapon is different and does different things and his ultimate ability depends on the weapon he’s holding. But that’s not the reason why he was hated, the reason for that is because he was broken. He was broken to the point where he didn’t even need to have items to get a Penta kill. All you had to do was get the shotgun weapon and use your ultimate ability. By doing that you have secured yourself a nice place for victory.

But even today Aphelios is broken but he’s played less because nobody can understand him. So if you want to give it a shot go right ahead, you’ll get a Ph.D. in physics and math if you manage to understand him.

What makes Aphelios Most Hated:
  • Way too many weapons to use and really complicated to get into.
  • Could one-shot a whole team without items if he had the correct weapon.
  • Point and click CC from one of his weapons.
  • Reading his ability description would traumatize you.


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