The Top 10 League of Legends Best Bottom Champions!


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

Welcome back to another article of mine. In this article, you’ll learn all about the best champions for the bottom lane. This list will include ADC and support champions. There will be something for everyone to find here. From tanks to carries it’s all here ladies and gentlemen.

I’ll give you the best champions for this lane as this lane is known to be the source of depression for many League of Legends players including myself but none the less we still enjoy playing this lane more than any other in the game. So we are the problem.

But enough of me rambling about how this game brings me pain but I still love it, let’s get into the champions shall, we?

10. Amumu


Sad depressed mummy! Who can't relate to this guy gamers?

Here we have a weird choice. This sad depressed alone looking mummy is a jungler originally but here he is at the bottom lane making himself look like a support. Now how did he get to be a support? I have no clue. I woke up one day and found out that this guy is being played like a support champion overnight. Who started it? I got no clue but whoever did I want to let you know that I despise you!

My opinion about this champion is that he’s surprisingly pretty good as a support. His kit has all the tools needed to be a support. With his Q he fires out a bandage that attaches to an enemy champion, with his W he starts crying in an AoE range and anyone who’s close enough is dealt a small amount of damage per second. His E reduces incoming damage and his R ability allows him to nut in a large range stunning everyone who’s close enough. The nut range is big as the lane so yeah.

After learning about what his abilities do you might now get a clearer picture of why he’s a support champion now.

What makes him great for Bottom:
  • Huge CC potential allows your ADC to deal enough damage to get some kills
  • He’s a tanky boi. Meaning he can take a lot of beatings and still run away and survive saving your poor ADC from imminent death
  • Ultimate ability is really good during laning phase and during team fights
  • Huge roaming potential

9. Pyke


Your name is on his list! Try to hide but in the end, he will find you.

Ah, here we have the undead fish creature called Pyke. Pyke is all about killing people and getting paid. That’s his catch. He was once a sailor but he fell into the sea once and got swallowed up. His captain betrayed him leaving him to be eaten alive. But by some sea voodoo magic, Pyke survived and wants to hunt down everyone who’s on his naughty list. He’s like the evil version of Santa in a way.

Pyke’s abilities are as follows: the Q ability is a hook that pulls people closer to him, the W ability allows him to go underwater making him invisible for a short period of time, his E allows him to dash in a target direction leaving behind his water soul and once he pulls that water soul into him anyone that touches it gets CC’d and last but not least his R ability is an execute. Where he places an X on the ground and anyone who’s in that X and low enough HP gets killed instantly and if your teammate gets an assist they get 300 shekels.

This is the only champion that people are okay with you stealing their kills.
  • What makes him great for Bottom:
  • Has a hook ability which allows him to pull opponents closer to him
  • The CC last’s for quite some time allowing your ADC to get a kill if they have an IQ higher than the average monkey
  • Can go invisible for a short period of time, great for roaming and helping out your mid laner
  • The ultimate ability allows you to steal kills and give your team some sweet shekels.


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