Elite Dangerous Horizons 2023


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2023

Anyone currently playing this? I’d like to here from you.

I first played Elite Dangerous 2015 after having started playing it Fresh out of the box. What I found at that point was that there was not enough there to sustain me. Trading was boring and bounty hunting in extraction zones could only take me so far Before it started feeling repetitive.

But after my recent X4 experience I seem to be desperate to play a good space game... So I turned to Steam of which there maybe some other options for space games, looking for my copy of Elite Dangerous, but could not find it. ? I checked my “Master Life Notes File” :) and was reminded had bought this directly from Frontier, so I logged into Frontier Games and there it was in my receipts with a download link.

So besides Spaceborne 2 (small developer team not in the same league as this or X4) which is at Steam that I am dinking around with, I started my ED download last night.

As best I can tell there is no subscription? But I remember something about insurance? ? There are cosmetic purchases that can be made, and although I have been known to do that on occasion, I’ll hold off until I can convince myself that I can function in the game. I should have at least 2 ships waiting for me in there.

It also seems like there is more to do than there was in 2015.

I found this to be an excellent getting started guide and am following along. It seems like bounty hunting in the extraction zone is step one, and scanning planets for biological info is step2, and it looks like there are several (many?) more steps after that. ?

My plan is to first break out my best ship (which ever it is) or it is more likely a preset ship to work my way though the tutorials of which there looks to be 5 or so to see if I can still handle flying in EDH. Step 2 is to see if there is enough here to keep me interested. I’ll report back later. :)

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