For the last two and a half years I've had this problem with a hacker that will not leave me alone and this is going to sound kind of crazy but take me seriously because everything I'm about to tell you is the exact truth I used to be an extremely good player and I hate to toot my own horn that's not my style In COD Back and I mean way back in like Modern Warfare two's Original release I started playing and was a natural at it I begin placing high on the list top 100 top 25 and then we move on a couple games black Ops 1 Black Ops 2 Modern Warfare 3 all of those games of the top three to 10 in the world at times well in Black Ops two I had a million and a half legit kills with every title every awardable item given and earned this did not seem to sit well with some people who were apt to cheat and had abilities to manipulate the game itself I played on Xbox at the time and got quite a following hundreds of friends and at this time I was like three in a world at free for all And I got a lot of people that I probably upset because of my aggressive attitude and sorry to say at that time I had a horrible problem of being extremely mean to the players I played with so I'm sure I offended someone but to continue I must have Upset someone Because my account got hacked and reset unfortunately I lost Some pretty good stats on my record say La Vie anyways I went to various places like that division at the time and Xbox at the time and they could not recover my account it was sad but I moved on I didn't even realize at the time the person who hacked my account actually inserted a friend on my friends list on Xbox Live and sat there unbeknownst to me like a terrorist cell waiting to be activated for 12 years and activated itself towards the end of war zone one and started like inviting me to party chats and taking over my one friend's account so that he could walk around in my friend's skin as my friend in the games we were playing and eventually became more malicious as time went on started threatening me trying to extort money out of me he could affect my call of duty game like an administrator could bringing teams Back to life repeatedly in like resurgence taking me and my friend to a map that's not even available for anybody to play on started changing my skins to different skins that I never even owned my friends would see it but I wouldn't see it and at one point he was even able to infiltrate my computer and take it over from me so I had to do a factory reset and clean it and clear it all I lost a lot of data that day a lot of music it's unfortunate but I moved on but this guy did not so for the last two and a half years I've been looking over my shoulder repeatedly hoping the sky never shows up and is never able to get into my computer so I'm very thorough in how I do things I have 2 authentication and on everything and even have authenticators for accounts have multiple email addresses have changed my passwords every like 4 to 3 months just to make sure and I do what's necessary now which I didn't do then just to keep myself protected the problem was I put the same Xbox Live account on my PC which was taken over by him so he already had access to everything I had including my administrating email which was the same email I used for that account I know it's stupid I should have kept track and been smarter but I was unaware I was younger and I didn't think that this was going to be a real issue later on but it has been so I got rid of this guy he has no more access to any of my stuff I searched the web thoroughly and did as much IT worked as I could possibly do and it's been pretty okay for a little while but he is still there and is still harassing me to the point where he seems to be having access to my download of files from battle net but he can't affect my files that I thought but now for the last four months I've been being bombarded with these packet verse red yellow and orange along with extra relation in the same colors so I did the research and found all the tips to get rid of that online and even Activision gave me some you know links to try to help I did everything I could everything there is possible to do and it worked for a couple days but now it's really not even helping at all OK the last couple days have been really extreme with the extrapolation and packet verse affecting my gameplay to the point where I can't even play I can't even access start Easter at all because as soon as I click it it doesn't start because of the extrapolation so during this time or before this time I've been keeping closed tabs on the data that is being put onto my PC how much of it there is for each file how many files there are where they come from I know how to check the licenses and everything else that goes with those files and I've been keeping closed tabs on the properties of my Call of Duty file because I don't think I'm actually getting the same game everybody else's me and my friends have the opinion that I am possibly or am nerfed in some way I had to shoot people more times with guns that should not be taking that many bullets to kill a guy and it's clearly evident so I keep track of my files extremely well I redownload Call of Duty all the time to get the best possible results I can for the game since it's my favorite pastime and I the best way for me to spend time with my friends and I've recently noticed a new thing my files were at 113 gigs 700 and sixty two files and 23 folders for this call of duty file I've not altered it at all myself not one time other than to use battle net and terms of service rules that I am supposed to follow well I've been checking my data almost every other game and I just noticed that the extrapolation and packet first has added over 10 gigs of information to my file ten more folders and like 300 and something more files I know that the packet burst is part of or is supposed to be part of Call of Duty's online in real time service of the quality of your visual package I am unaware of anybody ever expressing that the packet verse themselves added data to your computer or your files and I'm very curious to know and this is what really I need to know is if this is a regular thing or if this is something I should really worry about which is what I think it is unfortunately I've been very paranoid because of this guy or woman or whomever has been trying to infiltrate my systems so to speak and I'm not sure if it's even him or if it's Call of Duty or Activision whomever but I know that this is a very unusual circumstance and it's totally beyond my control I cannot alter these data verse I can't stop them i've used all the tools and tips that everyone has talked about online including activism themselves and have fun come to no solution and and starting to get worried that the data that he or they are the verse themselves are adding to my files is not on the up and up. Now I know it sounds like I am paranoid at times I think I'm nuts because I don't see why somebody would waste their time for that many years and keep me fixated in their sights it's very sociopathic OK in my opinion I don't know what you guys would think about it but you can leave it comments below or wherever you leave a comment at I am just hoping that someone that will make a comment has the expertise or the knowledge to let me know if this is a regular thing with packet purse adding data and and that amount of data And if I should be taking or what I should be taking as a precaution or a solution to this issue now this person or for people are extremely persistent and extremely crafty so to speak they are beyond my knowledge of IT and coding itself so any help would be so appreciated and I am desperate for anybody's help at all I have had a VPN that does not seem to matter on Todd it it does put your IP your real IP address even if you use a VPN you can still find it in your system menus and before I even noticed that the files were being altered I thought my files were being altered and were not the right files for the game itself since they didn't match up in many ways with my friend who has a PC similar to my capabilities and installs it exactly the same way so again please make any comments you like I apologize if you think this is not real but this is totally real and I do need help so please take it seriously and always back up your systems and back up every files that you have in fact up all your email accounts with two authentications and even try to get authenticators whenever possible just to make sure you never have to run into this situation again or. For that matter because I wish this upon no one thank you for your consideration hope it's not too much of a read and I hope you learn something from it that might be helpful comments definitely needed And the only reason I even got on any forums is trying to get the word out in case nobody knew about this packet first data transfer because I have experienced a great hardship with this hacking issue and wish it to never happen to anyone else and if things are going weird for you stay Tom and try to find the best ways to fix it