Discussion Do you have any pets?

Video is no longer, but do I? never own or had a pet in my life
I have 2 cats and a dog. Used to have like 8 cats, but we had to give some away....
I may get a hamster, or a fancy mouse. Guinea pigs are cute looking, but they do eat a lot.

Guzzle. Guzzle. Guzzle. Poop. Poop. Poop. :D
I used to have a dog but we had to have him put down 2 years ago (he was 11, we had him from a puppy). Miss him a lot and he broke a little bit of my heart.
I used to have a dog but we had to have him put down 2 years ago (he was 11, we had him from a puppy). Miss him a lot and he broke a little bit of my heart.
That's very sad. Fortunately, I haven't had to go through that as my cat is only 4 years old. What breed was your dog?
That's very sad. Fortunately, I haven't had to go through that as my cat is only 4 years old. What breed was your dog?
He was a German Shepherd. I had two cats when I was much younger. One only had a short life (got hit by a car and didn't get through the resulting op) but the other (his sister) got to about 14 before we had to have her put down. You should have plenty more years with your cat.
He was a German Shepherd. I had two cats when I was much younger. One only had a short life (got hit by a car and didn't get through the resulting op) but the other (his sister) got to about 14 before we had to have her put down. You should have plenty more years with your cat.
German shepherds are one of my favourite breeds. I did have a rabbit and two hamsters when I were younger but our rabbit ran away and the hamsters we gave away. I didn’t think I’d have any more pets till my friend offered me a kitten. I don’t know what I’d do if anything bad were to happen to him, glad I’ve got many more years yet to worry.
Not anymore, sadly my last one passed away a few years ago and I haven't gotten anymore. Maybe one of these days.

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