10 Beginner Tips for God of War


Kratos will become a genuine warrior god to be feared and admired, and Atreus will become an arrow-slinging master marksman, thanks to a strong collection of crucial God of War recommendations. With a variety of bosses, brigands, monsters, mazes, riches, and traps to discover, as well as a variety of puzzles to solve, it's critical to know what you're doing when you pick up the God of War's swords. With our God of War beginning tips, we've got all you need to know to grasp the realm of Viking Mythology.

1. Smash Everything​

Hacksilver is the primary money in God of War, and it is used to build, purchase, and upgrade your gear. There are plenty throughout the game, as well as in chests and various locations across the planet, but you can also earn them the old fashioned way: by destroying everything. Boxes, crates, vases, and other items can split to bits and spit out some cash as a result. Keep an eye out for any dangling buckets that you can take down. You won't get much, but it may mean the difference between being able to purchase new gear or an upgrade and not. When you're on the boat, you may even ram barrels and bodies for a payment. You'll find more Hacksilver if you have a high Luck stat.

2. Make The Most Of Atreus​

In God of War, Kratos' son Atreus is more than simply a travelling companion; he's also essential for battle and learning more about the world around you. When you press Square, he uses his bow and arrows to assault whatever adversary is in the centre of the screen. He doesn't deal much damage at first, but if you keep upgrading your powers, you'll eventually be able to stun and kill creatures. He can also choke adversaries to weaken and slow them, as well as unleash a variety of magical strikes, so enhance him as much as Kratos to make him a formidable opponent.

3. Learn About Kratos’ Stats​

In God of War, Kratos' powers are governed by a number of distinct statistics. Some are simple to comprehend, such as Strength and Defence, which determine how much physical damage you can deal and receive. The rest is a little unclear, but if you want to use more magic, enhance Runic and Cooldown, which affects both the damage magic deals and how quickly it can be used. Vitality boosts your health and minimises the effects of opponent assaults that shock you. While Luck boosts your XP and Hacksilver while increasing your chances of triggering a perk. Whether you verify what the numbers are doing and if they're doing what you want them to do whenever you improve, Kratos, everything will work out.

4. Upgrade The Gear You're Using​

Two dwarves selling armour and upgrades may be found in God of War. Every time you visit them, you'll see a list of all the improvements available as well as their associated effects. Now, be careful here since it's easy to get carried away and spend money on what appears to be a fantastic stat increase, only to find out later that it's not an item you actually have on. Before you spend money on enhancing something, always double check for the huge 'E' that indicates it is equipped.

5. Complete Side Missions To Level Up Faster​

Nothing prevents you from playing the game from beginning to end and only following the tale. You'll acquire everything you need and get a good look at the entire game. However, if you go out and take on some side tasks, you'll be rewarded with extra enchantments, upgrades, and armour, all of which will help Kratos even more. It's possible to wind up with a really powerful character that is theoretically low level but has a lot of stats. This can aid with some of the more difficult side objectives, monsters, and post-game activities.

6. Sell Collectibles To Earn Gold​

There are several God of War memorabilia available, none of which you require. Obviously, you must gather them because that is the goal of the game, but after that, they are useless, as the game informs you. When you go to a store, you may sell them for a reasonable amount of money. You may also sell all of your previous gear if you've upgraded to something more powerful.

7. Check The Bestiary For How To Beat Enemies​

Atreus keeps account of all the creatures you encounter in the Codex option, and by'meet,' I mean cut into friendlier bits with the axe. Most importantly, the more you confront them, the more information you'll get about their flaws and how to overcome them. If you're having problems fighting a certain monster, take a look and see if there's a strategy you can employ.

8. Observe The Aiming Cursor​

Look about while aiming the axe if you're not sure what to do next or how to solve a task. When the cursor passes over anything you can either break with the axe or stick in, it will alter. Some things are obvious, such as the ties that hold bridges and other structures together, but others aren't, and it's never a bad idea to double-check. When you pass it over any frozen Draugr you come across, it turns crimson, indicating that they aren't quite as frozen as they appear.

9. Change Your Runic Attacks If You Need To​

The Runic Attacks in God of War are essentially Kratos' magic, releasing strong blasts of energy or devastatingly tossing the axe. It's simple to select your favourites and stick with them, but if you're having trouble with a certain adversary or boss, consider your alternatives. When there are a lot of things to kill, choices with splash damage are preferable, while options with range are best for creatures you don't want to get too close to. You'll be able to utilise them faster if you increase your Cooldown stat. Just keep in mind that you can't switch attacks while they're cooling down, so do so before a fight.

10. Come Back Later If You're Stuck​

God of War is essentially an open world game and you may find yourself in situations for which you are not yet prepared. It might be a difficult task or hurdle, or it could simply be higher-level foes that tear you apart without giving you a chance. If this happens, simply walk ahead and return after you've discovered what you're looking for or have levelled up some more. Also, don't worry if you miss out on any treasures, such as the God of War Eyes of Odin or one of the 12 God of War Jotnar Shrines, because you'll be able to get them later.
I love Viking Mythology and that’s why I love God of War. Thanks for these tips, I’m gonna give them a go when I play it!

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