Ubisoft responds to backlash about gaming NFTs


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Dec 11, 2018
Today, Ubisoft announced a partnership with Aleph.im to provide decentralized storage for its NFT assets, which are called "Digits" on the Quartz platform. Didier Genevois, Ubisoft's Blockchain Technical Director, answered Decrypt's questions about the response to the initial in-game NFT rollout earlier this month.
"We have received a lot of feedback since the announcement, and we hear both the encouragement and the concerns," he said. "We understand where the sentiment towards the technology comes from, and we need to keep taking it into consideration every step of the way."
Genevois continued: "This experiment is meant to understand how the value proposition of decentralization can be received and embraced by our players. We know it is a major change that will take time, but we will stay true to our three principles."
According to Genevois, Ubisoft's principles are to "use the tech responsibly" and "build a safe environment" for players to explore how NFTs work, "only leverage energy-efficient proof-of-stake blockchains," and "focus on meaningful value propositions for players that benefit their gaming experience."

An NFT serves as a proof of ownership for a unique digital object—in this case, one-of-a-kind video game items like weapons and gear. Ubisoft's Ghost Recon NFTs can be resold via Tezos secondary markets. Other video game NFTs can potentially also be interoperable assets, thus enabling their use in multiple games and online platforms.


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