Ubisoft gets serious about blockchain and is doing an AMA on Friday!

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May 22, 2019
In a recent statement, Ubisoft announced that they are collaborating with Ultra to create the games distribution platform that will compete with Steam. This news, which has gone slightly unnoticed video games world, is a huge blow for the French studio!

So, they have just announced an AMA to answer the questions of those who would like to know what this partnership means, what will be this competitor of Steam, what role will play Ubisoft in this, etc. The AMA will happen this Friday, November 29 at 4 pm UTC and you can already ask your questions on Twitter with the hashtag #UbisoftxUltra

More on the Ubisoft x Ultra partnership: Ubisoft joins the Ultra blockchain as a corporate block producer

AMA Announcement:
I think I am a bit skeptical about the blockchain part. If they want to be better than steam then they have to be store not some cryptocurrency scam.

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