[Top 10] LOL Strongest Early Game Champions That Scale Well Into Late Game


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021
Here are the top 10 LOL strongest early game champions that scale really well into the late game!

Read more about it on here: [Top 10] LOL Strongest Early Game Champions That Scale Well Into Late Game

Any champion in this game can scale but not all scale well. Some champions might even fall off no matter how much they try to be good and scale into the late game. When it comes to League of Legends if a team wins the early or mid-game they can still lose the match. That’s the great part about MOBA games.

The comeback is the best part about them. Especially if you have an open nexus. It can also be really hard to pull this off if you’re not playing a champion that scales well into the late game so why not increase your chances of making a comeback by playing some of the champions that are listed in this article.

10. Master Yi

“Patience is a virtue.”

Let’s start this list with the terror of low ELO players and that’s Master Yi. Why is he the terror of low ELO games? Well, they don’t know how to counter him and they think that Master Yi is the greatest champion ever created. But in reality, he’s not. Master Yi is a farming jungler that needs items to scale to do well.

But even in the early and mid-game Master Yi is a great champion. Especially when he can use his Q ability to become untargetable and the fact that he can heal himself with W whenever he’s low HP. Farming with Master Yi is easy, the only hard part about it is getting invaded. But you have wards to counter that and you won’t get yourself in those situations, right?

Why Master Yi Is Great For Early and Late Game:

  • During the early game, he’s a powerhouse at farming and getting gold.
  • At any point, if Master Yi is low HP he can heal himself up with W.
  • Deals true damage with his E ability which is great during the early and late game.
  • During the late game, you can pretty much spam your Q ability because of your insane attack speed.

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