The Top 10 LOL Best Top Laner Champions That Wreck Hard (2022 Edition)


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

Here we are in a role where people just wish to be alone and left to do their own thing. That thing is pushing the top lane so far up somewhere where the sun doesn’t shine and win the game. Most top laners will do that, especially in low elo because people do not care about team fighting or even being a part of the team.

It’s like these people are playing their own game alone and nobody else exists. Especially in season 12, Riot is encouraging this thanks to some new tank items that have been released. Of course, some champions might have fallen off their throne, some got buffed, some even went from mid or bot to top lane. I shall name a few of them today. So let’s not waste any more time and get into the best top 10 champions you can play for the top lane in season 12.

10. Graves


"Where is my cigar???"

The first on this list is Graves “The Outlaw” a champion that went from jungle to mid and now to top. Why? I dunno people wanted it that way. Don’t get me wrong Graves on top isn’t a bad pick at all. Especially with the extra armor that he gets from his E when he dashes towards an enemy.

Combine that with some poke from his Q ability along with his W that throws a smoke bomb on the ground and blinds anyone who’s standing in it and you got yourself a pretty niche top lane pick. If you’re worried about being ganked well you have a reason to be worried.

As Graves, you might find it a bit hard to escape an oncoming gank from the enemy jungler but you always have your trusty wards to save you from that. That you will surely place and won’t blame your jungler for not counter ganking right?

What makes Graves a Great Top Laner:
  • He’s ranged so he got an edge over a melee top laner.
  • Gains extra armor from his E which is perfect since most of the time your enemy will deal AD damage.
  • Can easily poke people with his Q ability and if he needs to get out of a bad situation he always has a dash from his E and his W to blind the enemy.
  • Graves’s ultimate ability can shoot down anyone who’s trying to get away with a small amount of HP.


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