Alrighty, so I'm unsure who to ask or where else to post my query and this thread seems the most adequately appropriate.
I actually registered at this forum specifically coz according to Google - either someone going by 'JoyFreak'–(¿or perhaps it's refers generally to the forum itself?)–is said to be the creme de la creme of forum gaming type stuff and I'm looking for something in particular....however although I've not yet found what I'm after, I did notice the interesting onboarding strategy being employed here
I think it's really clever and after contemplating this I've decided I would definitely like to try a similar approach @n z f s –but I don't want to just shamelessly copy JoyFreak's exceptional example...
plus I am an amateur at this sh_t and likely to f it up hilariously.
I'm wondering whether the individual/or individuals who set up the JoyFreak onboarding are still around?...a if they would possibly be interested in a paid job & available to have a go at creating a somewhat similar version of JoyFreak's onboarding on my forum.
Tbh I didn't even know about onboarding until about 6 weeks ago...
and have since lazily attempted several different onboarding strategies/options—without much luck so far. (This includes trying out two legit onboarding add-ons, which I just couldn't figure out properly.)
Yeah so, that's about the gist of it.
I surely will appreciate any constructive feedback to this query.