Suggestions & Feedback Thread

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Nov 16, 2018
Please use this thread to suggest forum ideas.
I recommend installing an addon that allows for members to ignore particular forums. For example, I have no interest in seeing anything related to politics in my feeds. I think this addon may handle that: [TH] Ignore More
Thanks for the suggestion.. It looks like that add-on is for XF1, I will look for a similar one for XF2 (y).
Looks like we have two folks here who created accounts simply to put links in their profile to UI/Graphics designs services. Might be a good idea to setup some criteria to promote users to a group that can edit profile information. Obviously, this doesn't fully prevent that behavior but does typically slow down bots.
I am aware and will look into putting in measures to prevent this from happening. (y)
Watched threads/replies seems to be on with email by default, and my inbox is full of notifications.

I suggest either changing this to watching without emails, or turning it off.

My initial activation email arrived in my Junk folder, and this may well be contributing to that.
Seems to be on with email by default, and my inbox is full of notifications.

I suggest either changing this to watching without emails, or turning it off.

My initial activation email arrived in my Junk folder, and this may well be contributing to that.


We have figured that this suggestion is preferable so we have changed the settings for:
"Watch content on creation" and "Watch content on interaction" to "Yes, without email" for new member registrations.

Thank you for your suggestion.
I thing as you might of noticed the Forums is manely focuced on just two Forums, so you might wanna consider a new classification to the it so you can get it to be a little balanced, that can get you the big numbers more spread.
As I'm writing this comment now, The General Gaming forum is still at the lead with over 645 messages, at the second place you have Video Games forum with 215 messages that's a gap of over 400 messages between the first and the second, then from there you have three more forums with a bit more than a hundred, the other five forums barely "get any"; and if you look into the lead forum in those 645 messages the threads are "less technical" than in the rest of the forums, at the moment I can't really think of a detailed classification to share but once I think of one i'll be happy to share it.
Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing your idea!
Here's what I think, the general gaming is vague but good, you can add a second forum and call it gaming story time or something like that where members get to talk about their own experiences, a third one could be trending, it's easier to talk about what's trending than to talk about "news", it's a gaming website so it' suppose to be more fun and out going, you can add another forum and call it critics, where members get to discuss the negative points of the games they played, then technical support and advices and such, and more images, it attracts the eye more than text. that's all I could think of for now I hope it helps a bit.
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You have to be careful and balance new sections. You add too many, the community looks empty and it could drive away potential members. You don't add enough and wait too long to expand and you run into the issue of members not knowing where content should properly be posted.

I would certainly agree that a gaming news section should be added; but, maybe find a way to highlight or pin member reviews, walkthroughs or other member-created gaming content.
Is there a way to get a username change? I would like to get mine changed to Ash if possible.
What do you think about implementing a point system for JoyFreak? We can then use our Points for monetary value items or forum upgrades!

Please share your thoughts on this suggestion.

Yes, this is something we are thinking of implementing soon.
Heya there. I think that it would be good for some small layout changes to be made. What exactly I have in mind is to move the sections with more activity upper in the board. So, here it is how it should looks by my suggestion:

- General Gaming
- Video Games
- Platforms
- Gaming News
- Esports

The marketplace and showcase placement is fine. But it would be good for the other ones to be moved a little bit. :)
Thanks for your suggestion. I like this idea and we can give this a try. I will make the changes at some point in the week.

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