Resident Evil 3 demo full playthrough, recap video available now


Resident Evil 3 demo is available now in some regions and we’ve got a full playthrough for you to watch here alongside a recap video from Capcom Asia.

Resident Evil 3 demo full playthrough

Arekkz will take you through the 12 minute long demo playthrough. But will likely take longer than that with all twenty Mr. Charlie statues hidden throughout the demo.

Resident Evil recap video

Capcom Asia takes you through a Resident Evil recap below:

Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil Resistance heads to PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC on April 3.
This kind of makes me wonder if there will ever be a Resident Evil 4 remake...
I wanted to broadcast my attempt at the demo, but YouTube activates accounts after 24 hours. Major meh! ?

Anyway, I am impressed. Nemesis is hardcore and the zombies are a problem too. I died trying to outrun Nemesis. It also doesn't help that your health is realistically kind of low.

In the demo, you're required to put out a fire with a hose, but you need to run around in a very claustrophobic series of alleyways and corridors.
Yeah, youtube kinda licks ass... Amyway glad to hear. Maybe I will try and find a video at some point.
I'm getting ready to broadcast my second attempt at the demo, over on Twitch. I have the same user ID on there as what I have here. (y)
I just seen your posts. Thanks, and sorry I missed you two. I finished it a few minutes ago.

There's a new trailer, once it ends. I finished it in roughly half an hour. ?

It doesn't appear to have been saved at all. And I never really do broadcasting, so I am new to it and are therefore not aware of the process. Dashboards on a mobile seem different from a computer. I looked at my history, but there's nothing there. I also get asked to key in a new code each time I use the app. That is a pain, as I have to go to my laptop to get the code as I cannot close the app on my phone without resetting the procedure.

YouTube is easier to use than Twitch is, but I forgot that when you start live streaming with an account you haven't did it with before, you have to wait an entire day to be activated. It's something Google should consider doing away with, as it's causing an inconvenience.
In the settings, there is an option so that you can save broadcasts for up to 14 days, so I had to enable that first.

Meh. Like anyone new to the platform would even know about that, Twitch!


In fact, I don't have broadband anymore. I use mobile data, and I have to connect with Bluetooth or USB tethering for my devices, which is probably why things aren't running all too smoothly. I'm not sure how fast 4G is, but I'll have to learn the ropes like everybody else, especially if one site has rules different to another, and I feel like such a newbie. :D

By the way, avoid Android tablets. They have very poor RAM. Everything freezes, goes black, apps become unresponsive, and it is a chore to navigate with. I had to go buy a refurbished laptop, and even that ain't all that great.

I may go stream the demo again in about half an hour, now that I have an idea of what to do now. ;)
I didn't find the game was overly action-ish. It seems like the lack of room to carry items will mean that backtracking is necessary, just like in the old days. And yeah, the demo is hard. Nemesis is also way more problematic than Mr. X from RE2.

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