Refuse to have as a pet

I am someone who loves almost all types of domesticated animals but there are some that I could not tolerate as a pet and have never been able to.

A rat is the first one that comes to mind, even though I know you can get them as pets and they are safe to have them as pets, the one thing I can't get past is their tail and also the fact that they are a rat.

Another one is a pig. I don't mind pigs but having one as a pet is not something I could get behind.
Are there any domesticated animals that you would refuse to have as a pet?

I stick to cats. They typically are clean, don't make a lot of noise, and are self-reliant. They give a lot of love too. My g/f likes dogs. But until trained, the pooping everywhere frustrates me!

As for refusing? Any animal that would tear stuff up. lol
I think reptiles kinda irk me. I mean, pythons aren't exactly cuddly are they?

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