Pokemon Go pandemic changes now permanent


Pokemon Go pandemic changes made to the game will soon become permanent, while others will be removed, developer Niantic has confirmed.

Niantic confirmed the following changes will become permanent:
  • A player’s maximum number of Gifts that can be stored has been increased to 20.
  • Players will receive three times the amount of Stardust and XP earned for their first Pokemon catch of the day.
  • Incense will last for 60 minutes.

The developer also confirmed the following changes will be live from 8.00 pm GMT on 1 October:
  • Egg hatch distance will return to normal.
  • Increased Incense effectiveness will only count while in motion.
  • Your Buddy Pokemon will only bring you Gifts when you’re running low, and only once per day.
  • The likelihood of getting a Gift when spinning a PokeStop is still increased compared to normal, but has been reduced.

Pokemon Go is available on iOS and Android devices.
what else is there new coming, Need more content and fun but this doesn't look fun. He'll play this on a bus rather then the couch
Seems a bit weird that they are removing some of the changes already. I feel like a second lockdown is going to happen in a lot of countries very soon!

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