LoL Best Blitzcrank Skins That Look Freakin’ Awesome (All Blitzcrank Skins Ranked Worst To Best)


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021
Do you love playing this support champion?

If you do read the full article here:

Do you like playing with this cuddly robot? If your answer is yes then this article is specifically for you. When it comes to his skins most of them are old school when he was popular but lately, he doesn’t get a lot of skins. All of his skins are going to be ranked by advantages when trying to hook people with your Q.

Some skins give you a smaller model which also makes his hook smaller and most of the time the enemies think it won’t connect but it does. Now that you know how I’m going to rank these skins let’s get into them!

16. Sewn Chaos Blitzcrank (Canceled)

“A mad man made me, please undo me.” (Video by SkinSpotlights)
This would have been the coolest skin for Blitzcrank if it only came out. Riot Games canceled multiple skins in production and I am so sad that they did it to this skin. Why would they cancel such amazing skin? Nobody knows I just hope that they will release it one day but that’s only a far dream now. Not to mention that this skin has the smallest model for his Q and it would have given Blitzcrank players such an advantage over their enemies.

How To Get Sewn Chaos Blitzcrank:

The skin was canceled in production and I am so sad that it was.

15. Original Blitzcrank (The Worst)

“I am not human!” (Video by League of Legends)
This is the original skin for this champion. The model went through a few updates along with game updates. But it always stayed true to the champion. The model size never changed; it stayed the same. There’s nothing much to say about this skin except that it’s basic and only uses one color and that’s yellow. Sadly the skin doesn’t even look rusty which would give it some personality but it is what it is.

How To Get Original Blitzcrank:

You can buy this skin along with the champion for 3150 BE or 790 RP or 8$ in the League of Legends skin store.

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