How long have you been a gamer?


Active member
Jan 3, 2019
How long have you been a gamer? Do you remember your first experiences playing video games? Please share them with us here....
Since I was little (maybe 4 or 5). I had the original Nintendo Entertainment System. My cousins also had an Atari, so had a little experience with that. Man, I'm really dating myself here.
I first got a ps1 when i was a kid i used to play abes oddworld and it was lit i had so much fun on this game and then i played crash bandicoot and it was the best
I got a PS1 in 1994, but before then used to play on a NES and a Sega Mega drive.

My parents owned an Atari that I can remember using.
Since I was little, at a young age of 11, or 12 years of age. I began playing Minecraft firstly and this is how I became a video game addict. This lead onto various different types of video games, consoles and here I am today a proud gamer!
The first console I owned was a Sega Master System II (closely followed by a NES - we got them the same Christmas). That'd have been around 1989 / 1990 I think.

The first games I played were probably Sonic The Hedgehog, Ms. Pac-man and Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

I've since owned the majority of successive consoles apart from Sega CD, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Wii U, and Switch.
Too many. I've lost count. I think I was gaming on the NES since I was a kid.
I believe I was probably in late elementary or early middle school. My dad owned a Nintendo SNES so I remember playing duck hunter on it. I really got into gaming when we got our first Playstation.
I was playing from childhood that is now at 20 years, as I played first time on a disk based computer. In those days the computer runs from floppy so it was a Pacman where i enjoyed a lot. At this stage I am playing Vice city and Tarzan games both are perfect on my PC.
The first thing I got was Pokemon Yellow on a Gameboy Color. Good times lol

My parents weren't young enough to have known video games. So it wasn't until I was a little older that I was able to ask for them, and talk them into getting them for me lol.
I got my first Gameboy when I was 7 and I remember playing a lot of Pokémon :love:.
One year later I got a Playstation 2, my favorite game was Ratchet & Clank!
Later (around 12 years old) I started playing PC games (free), mostly Battlefield heroes, play4free and bf3...
Now I'm still a PC gamer, mostly CSGO and the newer Battlefield games.
Gosh, it's been a while. I started sneaking games on my brother's consoles when I was a wee child of around 6 or 7 years of age. I've been a gamer for around two decades now. Still a gamer, except I can actually buy my games now instead of waiting hopefully every time my birthday, or Christmas, came around.
Well, i have been a gamer for a long time now. Honestly, i really dont remember the exact year when i started gaming. I have been interested in computer and online games right from my School days. i remember the first ever game i played in my life was Tetris. I like to play it even now sometimes. It must be around 15 years that i have spent since those days when i started playing games.
Started when I was in grade school. I remember I always look forward going home after school so I could play my Game Boy.
I've been a gamer since I was 7 years old. I remember that my brother and I had a weird gaming device in the house. we have always played with it. I am also interested in the board games. I have plenty of them in the house and I enjoy playing them with my friends.
I have been gaming for as long as I can remember. Gaming gives me a thrill I cannot explain. I guess its a kind of a high whenever I get engrossed in a challenging game.
I have been a gamer since the day my memory started.I remember when I got my first play station.
I can say I am a gamer since 2000.
My older brother (who's older than me for 15 years) had been a huge gamer all of his life, he had a bunch of magazines, posters, he saved up for months to buy his PS1, etc. So naturally he got me into it as soon as I was able to hold a controller! He played with me a lot and kept me updated with all the games for PC, He collected Sega and Super Nintendo games for me, and gave me a GameCube for my 10th birthday. Now I do the same with my little nephew.
I cannot really remember the year I started playing games, maybe when I was 7 or 8, and now that I am already an adult I still play occasionally. I have never been a huge gamer, just casual gaming and to just to pass time, but I have been really addicted to three or four games for all my life. I consider gaming as an adventure because of the excitement and thrill it gives you especially if you are so into it.

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