10 Best LoL Champions Against Tanks


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

Oh boy do I love playing against a tank. It’s my favorite thing to play against in League of Legends! Especially when the tanks deal more damage now than assassins themselves. What is up with that Riot? You never gave us an explanation about it. But they did give us a solution and that solution is playing champions that can melt through a tank’s armor like no tomorrow. Of course, some items will help you with that but these champions specialize in melting tanks. So if you ever find yourself playing against 3 tanks make sure to pick at least one of these champions. You’ll be doing yourself a huge favor trust me.

10. Ryze

“I can read the runes from my holy book.”

Now hear me out. Ryze is a pretty good tank killer. He can be played in the top lane and the mid-lane. He can lock a person in place without even doing anything. By that I mean Ryze players only have to press 2 buttons and that’s it.

A person has been locked in place. Plus with his R ability, he can teleport his whole team and minions behind enemy lines to flank them. Plus he can build AP items that deal an enormous amount of damage to tanks.

He’s amazing at split pushing and farming so getting those items in a small amount of time will be of no major feat for Ryze. I can guarantee you that you will melt tanks with this champion but I can’t guarantee if you will have fun playing Ryze as he’s quite a boring champion.

Why Ryze Is Great Against Tanks:

  • Can lock people in place with two buttons.
  • He’s able to transport his team allowing for some cheeky flanks.
  • Ryze can build AP items that are great against tanks.
  • He’s able to build tank items.

9. Olaf

“I love hitting people!”

Up next we have the wise Olaf the great Viking of Freljord. The only thing this guy is afraid of is dying in his bed alone. He wants to die in battle but that’s not his fate. His fate is to die in a bed peacefully like the coward he is. You can play Olaf in two roles and those are in the top lane or the jungle. Depends on what you fancy more.

Olaf’s kit deals bonus damage towards tanks and he has an inbuilt healing hit. All you have to do is press those two buttons and right-click on the enemy champion. I’m guessing everyone knows how to do that right? Olaf’s R ability allows him to ignore all CC abilities by just running through all of them. That’s how he does things around here.

Why Is Olaf Great Against Tanks:

  • He’s able to run through CC with his R.
  • Can heal himself by simply auto-attacking.
  • E deals extra damage to tanks and champions who have more health.


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