Your issue seems to be more related to hardware manufacturers drivers rather than Windows 10 itself. Though I have to agree, how Windows handles updates is TERRIBLE; especially if you are coming from the Linux world.
I also must disagree with this, you can easily visualize MacOS without actual Apply Hardware (Apple frowns upon this, but it is no harder than spinning up a virtual machine of any other OS). Not to mention the Linux is by far more flexible than Windows is in terms of software. Once you get over the initial learning curve of Linux, you will begin to realize how powerful it really can become.
For the distance future I believe most people will continue to use Windows, but I think that this is slowly beginning to change. Yes you may still need to a run Windows for certain things, gaming being the biggest one I can think of. Just like many people will want MacOS for video editing, graphic design, etc.
I think the big change in the future will be many people using Linux to hold majority of there data (as it isn't being scrapped and sold to advertisers like nearly ALL of your data is on Windows or Mac) but people will become more accustom to running a virtual machine dedicated to the task they are doing. Example: I run Ubuntu as my main OS, but I use virtualization to create a Windows VM that is used strictly for Steam. This way all Microsoft sees is someone playing steam on a basic computer setup. The same for Mac, if I want to edit a video; I would just create a MacOS virtual machine, do all of my editing, export the video to my actual Linux system and upload.
This is the future I am hoping for at least..