About a week ago we released the new multiplayer demo of Tormentis. Due to the extensive and detailed feedback, we were able to fix everything we knew about very quickly.
Another very extensive patch was released today, which also contained the first balancing adjustments. Through extensive analysis of the PvP replays, we were able to adjust the game difficulty slightly so that dungeons are now more challenging and good dungeon defense also keeps other players away from your own treasury.
The Tormentis multiplayer demo can be downloaded on Steam and itch.io:
itch.io: Tormentis by 4 Hands Games
Complete changelog:
revised controls panel, added option to disable attack on mouse buttons
added sfx on auction buy and bid
limit blocking decoration tiles per room to 12
automatically open misplaced loot chests inside treasury
automatically reduce blocking decoration in existing dungeons to 12 tiles per room
balancing: increased monster and trap damage by 30%
balancing: increased monster life by 10%
balancing: monster trap immunity 50%
inform players about new updates when logging in
fix dungeon editor not changing modified state when upgrading monsters or traps
fix dungeon editor not recalculating room capacity when upgrading rooms
fix notification counter not disappearing when closing pvp notification panel
fix error when changing dungeon theme and element is selected
fix tesla tower, fire heads, fire tower attack animations in replays (not retroactive)
fix gold update in header after hero skill upgrade
fix sync problems on turning fire tower, after a 5 seconds 360° turn there’ll be a 1 seconds break without fire