Opinion [Top 15] LOL Best Top Laners That Own The Lane


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021
Sup people here's an article about the best top lane champions in League of Legends!

Read the full article here:

We're nearing the end of Season 12 and the start of Season 13. The preseason is when we get to try out the new in-game features that Riot Games has prepared for us. Nothing matters at this point in the game, and whether you play ranked or normals doesn't make a difference. A slew of changes has been made to the game, particularly with champions who have received buffs and nerfs.

With the introduction of these buffs and nerfs, power has shifted between champions, with some that were strong becoming weak and others that were weak becoming strong. Today, I'll go over the best top lane champions in the game. Along with that, I'll give you some pointers on how to play that specific champion and how to win matches with it. Let's get started with the list!

15. Pantheon

“No God can kill me.”

Let us begin this list with Pantheon, the God of Gods. He's probably the manliest champion you've ever played, and as soon as you pick him, testosterone begins to flow through your body. To play this champion correctly in the top lane, you should maximize your Q “Comet Spear” ability and be prepared to use your W “Shield Vault” to stun the target. When you have your passive ability ready, engage the enemy target to maximize your damage output.

Don't be concerned if you get caught off guard while attempting to trade with the enemy; you can always use your E “Aegis Assault” to block all incoming damage. If the opposing team does not know how to deal with Pantheon, you will own your lane and they will be powerless to stop you. When playing Pantheon, my advice is to jump onto the target when the enemy wave is small or they can't return the damage.

Remember to use the full combo of W>Q>E on them, and you can add some auto-attacks between your Q “Comet Spear” and E “Aegis Assault”. If they get too far away from you, you can always catch them because you have Pantheon's ultimate ability “Grand Starfall”, which allows him to jump a long distance and deal damage to anyone in his path. This skill is also useful for roaming or assisting your mid-laner. If you are unable to secure a kill, do not use it.

What Makes Pantheon A Strong Top Laner:

  • He’s able to block all incoming damage from the front thanks to his E “Aegis Assault”.
  • You can easily roam with the champions thanks to the ultimate ability as it allows you to jump long distances.
  • Trading against an enemy with Pantheon is easy especially if you have your passive ability “Mortal Will” up as it allows you to deal more damage to the enemy than they will to you.
  • The passive ability “Mortal Will” enhances the next ability you cast and it makes the ability stronger and much better during combat.
See Pantheon In Action (Video by Challenger Replays):


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