Opinion [Top 15] LOL Best Mid Laners That Are Powerful


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Jul 17, 2021
Here are some of the best mid lane champions in League of Legends that you should know about in the current meta!

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Do you want to rank up and gain MMR as a mid-lane player, or are you looking for new champions to play in the upcoming season? Look no further than this article, where I'll show you the top 15 mid-lane champions and explain how to play them. Most champions have a dash, which allows you to quickly get to your friends and help them. The majority of things are expected to remain the same during the preseason.

Some champions may be buffed or nerfed before the new season begins, but don't worry, the champions on this list can still perform admirably if played correctly. Among the champions will be assassins, mages, and fighters, so there is something for everyone. Of course, not every champion is right for you because you might not enjoy playing that particular champion, but trust me when I say there is something for everyone. Let's begin with the list!

15. Yasuo

“The heart is heavier than the blade.”

Yasuo is this article's first champion. When they see a Yasuo player on their team, most people get a bad taste in their mouths. Because the majority of Yasuo players are simply bad and have no idea what they're doing. But you won't be that type of player; instead, you'll do well in the game with the champion and demonstrate to everyone that you can take your gameplay to new heights. Of course, to do this, you'll need to know how to play the champion correctly; if you don't, you might be out of luck.

You see, to play Yasuo correctly, my advice is to play a few games against bots to get a feel for the champion, then move on to normals and then ranked games. Yasuo's abilities include the ability to summon a tornado with his Q “Steel Tempest” on the third cast. It's his main ability and the first one you'll want to max it out first. Except for laser-type abilities, his W “Wind Wall” blocks all abilities and ranged auto attacks.

This is useful if you want to save someone from being hooked or prevent enemies from hitting skill shots on the team. The E “Sweeping Blade” is a dash with no cooldown, and the R “Last Breath” is used when someone is knocked up into the air, where Yasuo rushes towards them and deals damage. The most important aspect of Yasuo is his passive ability “Way Of The Wanderer”, which summons a shield that blocks one auto-attack or ability while dealing no damage to Yasuo. The champion is easy to learn but difficult to master.

What Makes Yasuo A Strong Mid Laner:

  • Yasuo can block 1 auto-attack or ability with his passive “Way Of The Wanderer”.
  • The W “Windwall” blocks all ranged auto-attacks or abilities and they can’t hit or damage anyone that stands behind the wall.
  • His Q “Steel Temptest” summons a tornado that knocks people up into the air on the third cast.
  • The ultimate ability “Last Breath” allows Yasuo to dash toward the target that was knocked up into the air and deal damage to them.
See Yasuo In Action (Video by Lol Korean Pro Replays):


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