The Top 5 Kenshi Best Katana Builds That Are Excellent


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2021

Howdy, we’re gonna quickly discuss a few builds, explain how they work, what armor they consist of, and why they’re gonna be great for your journey of cutting people limb from limb, watching them bleed to death, and locking them in place with the frequency of your attacks. I’ll mention all types of armors, their positive effects and yadi-yada. Anyways, let’s roll!

5. Light Armor Build​


The thin boyz.

Light armor builds are for those who prioritize agility during combat, little to no penalties, and extra mobility during long journeys to distant zones. Although light armor provides less blunt/cutting damage resistance, it won’t hinder your combat speed effect and will prove to be effective in later stages of the game, when your toughness is at higher levels.

Summary of the build:
- Fog Mask provides you with necessary duststorm resistance and decent cutting/blunt damage resistance
- Dark Leather Shirt provides an extra layer of protection and increases your stealth
- Ninja Rags provides some armor, a nice bonus to dexterity and stealth.
- Samurai Clothpants don’t provide any cool buffs, but they cover 100% of your legs and 50% of your stomach.
- Wooden Sandals are all about mobility and increasing your combat speed effect.


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