The Top 5 Kenshi Best Secondary Weapons That Are Excellent


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2021

Secondary weapons are used in 2 scenarios - when you are missing an arm or when you’re fighting indoors. If you happen to be in one of these scenarios and you’re not equipped with decent secondary armor, this could mean the end of your character.

That’s why I’d like to talk about the best secondary weaponry in Kenshi - where you can find it, how much damage it does, against which enemies it's good at and plenty of other things. Let’s start with:

5. Longsword​


For those who are not huge fans of katanas.

Longswords are usually carried by the nobles in the UC territories, if you have balls big enough to steal or loot one from them, you might acquire yourself with a Meitou version - which as we all know, is the best version in the game!

Longswords deal a fair amount of cutting damage combined with a splash of blunt damage - this is great against characters who wear too much of that pesky armor!

Why the Longsword is awesome:
- Splash of blunt damage does a better job getting through the armor
- High amount of cutting damage for a secondary weapon
- Looks cooler than a katana!


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