The Top 15 Best Tank Games With Great Gameplay


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2021
Best Tank Games

Howdy guys, I’ll be talking today to you about tanks from different games, tanks from different eras like World War 2, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and even modern times.

I’ll be talking about video games like Arma 2, War Thunder, World of Tanks, Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad, and many, many more video games that have to do anything with tanks.

Alright, enough with the intro of the article, let’s start with our first game:

15. S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster​

People who played this game back in 2001 might feel nostalgic and OLD as hell. I didn’t play this game but I saw my older brother play it back in the OG times.

But what’s this game actually about - well, it’s a strategy game where you can receive orders to, for example, take over a railway station. You also receive SP points(Strategic Points) that you can spend on more tanks, units, or special abilities.

The camera placement is from a bird’s view, allowing you to look around the map by using your cursor, zooming in or out, and managing your missions.

You can select tanks and order them to destroy other tanks or take over territories, this game can surprise you with sudden difficulty spikes and long missions that can take up to even 30 missions. Didn’t I mention that this game has multiplayer? Try it out, seriously. Old classic!

14. Total Tank Simulator​

When I first looked up this game, I had to say, I was skeptical, I wasn’t quite intrigued by the graphics, nor by the combat, but despite what I felt, I bought it on Steam when it was on Summer Sale and you know what? This game was worth every penny, I didn’t realize how massive the battles could get and this game even has destructive environments.


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