The Top 10 LoL Most Evil Champions That Are Merciless


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2021

Ah yes, being evil is fun in almost every game especially in RPG games that give you multiple choices. That’s the beauty of video games, you can be evil with no real-life consequences, and it’s the same for League of Legends. You might not have different choices to pick from but what you do have is champions who are so evil they have slaughtered countless people for fun.

When you’re reading some of the lore of these champions they can be so brutal you might question yourself if they have been sent from the Warhammer 40K universe. Enough chit-chat let us list some of the evilest champions League of Legends can offer.

10. Ahri


Let me close summoner I won't do anything bad"

Ahri “The Nine-Tailed Fox” might seem all cute and innocent at a first glance and might even act friendly towards you but deep inside she wants to suck the soul out of your body. That’s who she is and she can’t control that.

In her lore, it states that she killed and ate her boyfriend which she loved dearly because she couldn’t control her inner emotions. Ahri will do that to everyone who comes even close to her smelling distance.

I mean every Ahri main looks and acts like they’re dead all the time and that’s probably because they’ve had their soul sucked out of them by Ahri and they’re forced to play her for all eternity. Because let’s be honest, who enjoys playing Ahri more than 5 games a day?

What makes Ahri Merciless:
  • Killed and ate her own boyfriend because she couldn’t control her inner emotions.
  • She can survive on eating normal food but chooses not to because humans are more delicious.
  • Every Ahri main is dead inside.

9. Twitch


"Crack-addicted rat!"

This is Twitch “The Plague Rat”. As his epiphytes says he carries the plague with him. But that’s not all Twitch is also a psychopathic serial killer who murders people for fun and likes to take their money even though he has no use for it.

His main source of food is cheese but not any kind of cheese but moldy cheese that has been in the sun for days. The type of cheese that would give a normal human a heart attack. And the way Twitch murders people is by shooting them with his crossbow. The bolts of that crossbow melt any skin that comes in contact with it because the bolts have been infused with some kind of poison.

The poison is probably his piss let’s be real. Twitch is known to murder a whole fleet of poor workers for fun and then if anyone survives his crossbow he will throw his poison on them and watch them melt, one by one.

What makes Twitch Merciless:
  • Murders people for fun and steals their sweet shekels in the process.
  • His crossbow bolts are infused with poison that melts any skin on impact.
  • People who survive his crossbow get a face full of his piss thrown on them.
  • He’s in love with moldy cheese.


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