Discussion Streamers caught cheating in Warzone


New member
Sep 17, 2020
I'm getting sick and tired of seeing warzone Streamers who are clearly hacking.

Here is a video of a very very popular streamer (SYMFUHNY) Caught cheating.

Here is another video of a large twitch streamer boasting about how good he is, whilst he had his hacking software on show.. Until he realises and you see his heart sink!

What's everyone else's opinions? Is it disrespecting the smaller streamers, the non cheaters, the casual gamers?

Or do you think they should be allowed to get away with it.
I have no issue if someone is cheating in a Single Player game as the only one they are cheating is their own enjoyment. But cheating in an Online Game is a big "NO" for me as they are affecting other customers trying to enjoy the product. So no, they shouldn't get away with it.

But I do find it amusing that they think they are "skilled" and "powerful" for using those tools. I mean all they are doing is essentially trying to operate the game on a lesser level then a developer would be able too. If a Developer caught a cheater mid game, they'll not only be able to ban you from the product but they can just insta kill u repeatedly, lock ur toon in place, and do alot worse things if they felt like it. Not worth it if u ask me, since more developers for Online Products are starting to be more active in their games in recent years

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