Sekiro: Online co-op and pvp mode added via mod


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2018
ustom Sekiro network test (t-posing grappling hook adventure) Please note this is BEFORE PvE balancing has been put in, enemies will now be significantly more powerful with each additional friendly phantom in your world. It's not perfect, but enemy sync is fairly smooth on the host's end. There is some rubber banding issues but they'll be ironed out soon. I'll post a link to the phantom's perspective here when it gets uploaded. It's probably not particularly interesting to watch, it's just trying to show that enemies can interact with phantoms properly now. I'm also not very good at the game. The mod is now finished, I just have to tidy some things up, balance some stuff, and add some QoL changes.

Custom Sekiro network test (t-posing grappling hook adventure) Still working on damage balancing, currently all incoming damage is reduced by 90% just because otherwise you die in 3 hits. Enemies still aren't synced.


  • Support for up to 6 players (1 host + 5 phantoms)
  • PvP - Make use of your prosthetic tools and combat arts to defeat your opponents, grapple through the world and snipe each other out of the air.
  • Co-op - Play through the game with friends, approach enemies and bosses with a different style and finally beat the game as the summoner class.
  • Invasions - Enter an unsuspecting person's world as a spirit of vengeance, and fight to the death.
  • Simplified matchmaking - Invaders and phantoms will always be adjusted to the player's local level, to try and increase the available player pool. For example if you have 40 attack power, and your opponent has 1 attack power, they will hit you as if they have 40 and you'll hit them as if you have 1.
  • You can't pause the game.


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