News PS5 The Future of Gaming event now scheduled for June 11

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May 30, 2020

See you Thursday, June 11 at 1:00pm Pacific time (9:00pm BST) for a look at the future of gaming on #PS5:

Hi all – thanks for being patient and understanding while we rescheduled this PS5 event for Thursday, June 11 at 1pm Pacific Time / 9pm BST. We needed to step aside so key voices could be heard during this historic and important time.

Now that the event is confirmed for June 11, I wanted to add that this pre-taped program will be broadcast at 1080p and 30 frames per second. This eased the show’s production process during a time when many of our team and developers are working from home. The games you’ll see on Thursday will look even better when you play them on PS5 with a 4K TV, as you’d expect.

It’s also best if you watch while wearing headphones, if you can — there’s some cool audio work in the show, and it might be harder to appreciate if it’s pumped through your phone or laptop speakers.

Anyway, enough talk! An updated version of Jim’s original post follows below. See you Thursday!

With each generation, from the first PlayStation to PlayStation 4, we aim higher and we push the boundaries further, to try and deliver better experiences for our community. This has been the mission of the PlayStation brand for more than 25 years. A mission I have been a part of nearly since the beginning.

There are few things as exciting as the launch of a new console. While this road to launch has been a bit…different, we are as thrilled as ever to bring you with us on this journey to redefine the future of videogames.

We’ve shared technical specifications and shown you the new DualSense wireless controller. But what is a launch without games?

That’s why I’m excited to share that we will soon give you a first look at the games you’ll be playing after PlayStation 5 launches this holiday. The games coming to PS5 represent the best in the industry from innovative studios that span the globe. Studios, both larger and smaller, those newer and those more established, all have been hard at work developing games that will showcase the potential of the hardware.

This digital showcase will run for a bit more than an hour and, for the first time, we will all be together virtually experiencing the excitement together. A lack of physical events has given us an amazing opportunity to think differently and bring you on this journey with us, and hopefully, closer than ever before. This is part of our series of PS5 updates and, rest assured, after next week’s showcase, we will still have much to share with you.

Please join us on Twitch or YouTube on June 11 at 1pm PDT / 9pm BST / 10pm CEST to see what’s in store for the next generation of games. I hope we can make you proud.

It's back on ya'll!


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Looking forward to the event. I am guessing the event may also show some of the new changes in the upcoming console and also they may cover the possible lifecycle events of the PS series. So definitely a good event to look forward to and check out as well.
Wish I could watch it, but I got to work, though I look forward to catching up on the news.
Nice, very nice. I'll be sure to mark my calendars.
This'll be a wonderful event.
June 11th, here I come!
New Silent Hill announced...

It's another pachinko machine. ?

Nah, it's not. But if they did that, they know the Internet would blow up, and not in a good way...

I think I am slightly more excited about a new entry in that series than I am for RE8, giving the fact that the last one released as far back as 2012. Gosh! ?

RE of course still has my interest, but it does wane a bit. I really hope they make this the last sequel in first person, and reserve that perspective thereafter for side story installments. I thought RE7 would be a one-time game in that Outlast kind of style, but to get two back to back (sequel) entries like that is somewhat disappointing, if like myself, you prefer the regular third person experience. And to be honest, I don't count remakes or spin off games as being "new entries" anyway, especially if they are not canonical. They just feel like filler to me, so a new entry hasn't happened since 2017 in my view.

Nobody is even talking about RE3 anymore. Yeah, RE2 is the lesser of two evils (no pun intended), but that game isn't that amazing either, all things considered. But at least you got the original soundtrack, extra costumes, some DLC, and it wasn't as bad in the story department. RE3 had zilch. What were they thinking leaving Barry Burton out of the ending? ?
Can't wait to see what games they are going to show off/unveil. Still trying to decide whether I should watch it live or wait for them to release the 4K versions of the videos.
Not long to go on this event everyone, ill be online here watching it, hope to see you all to and some great discussions going on :)

Feels like Christmas has come early
People are expecting many announcements like Silent Hill, Resident Evil 8, Horizon 2 and etc. But what about a new mainline Final Fantasy?
I even heard random stuff recently about a new Dead Space game. I never got into that series, so I can't say that has me jumping over the moon with excitement. But yeah. Another Silent Hill is long overdue, seeing as how the last one was out way back in 2012. I don't count that RPG one. I meant Downpour. ?
what is everyone's thoughts on what the PS5 will look like? Do you think anyone got close to how it will look in the flesh?
It's supposed to have no loading times. The design looks okay. I can't say that really bothers me. ?
Just type PS5 on Google. Usually, they show the white and black design. At least, it was earlier. Unless that's not really the official design. It didn't "look" special to me, design-wise, but then again, none of the other PlayStation consoles are brilliantly designed. But I did like the GameCube. It was small, purple, and even had a handle.

Here it is.

Just type PS5 on Google. Usually, they show the white and black design. At least, it was earlier. Unless that's not really the official design. It didn't "look" special to me, design-wise, but then again, none of the other PlayStation consoles are brilliantly designed. But I did like the GameCube. It was small, purple, and even had a handle.

Here it is.

Oh that does look nice and it be good to see it being white again back to original roots of how it was first released.

I'm hearing also that the price for this will be around £600... i better start saving ?

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