Promote your video game research and surveys here

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Hey everyone, I was hoping you could help me out with my bachelor thesis. I am currently writing about why viewers and streamers choose specific platforms to stream on/watch streams. It would be extremely helpful if you could fill out any of the 2 surveys, as it will give me an even more in-depth understanding of why people choose a specific platform and what would cause them to switch platforms.

It should take max. 2 minutes to complete the surveys.

There are no questions concerning personal information so all answers will be completely anonymous.

Survey for viewers:

Survey for streamers:
Hello everyone,

We are new to the JoyFreak community, but wanted to share an opportunity for gamers to participate in an upcoming research study regarding Gaming Consoles. This study is divided into two parts. Part 1 will involve participants to engage in a 30-minute Online Bulletin Assignment. Part 2 will involve participants to participate in a 90-minute in-person discussion in San Francisco, CA. Sessions are held at various times throughout the day. Those who qualify, are invited, and participate will receive a $200 Mastercard.

Fill out this quick preliminary survey to see if you may qualify:

Or, if you prefer, please call our Fresno, CA recruiting office:
Mon-Thurs 10:00 AM-8:00 PM; Fri-Sat 11:00 AM-5:00 PM (Pacific time) at (559) 226-3100, dial 0 for an operator, and reference project number 4163T.

If you'd like to be kept in mind for more opportunities like this one, be sure to sign up through our website:

We look forward to including your opinions in our studies!
Hey guys,

I am currently in my final year of university and for my dissertation I am researching the influence that online communities related to gaming, specifically Playstation have on purchase behaviour.

If you could please participate in my survey I would be extremely grateful, it only takes approximately 3 minutes to complete (see link below) or click here.

Thank you!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Ashley and I am a UX researcher at a start-up company, that is looking to build a product that would benefit the creative gaming/virtual worlds community. We are looking to do user interviews to learn more about how users engage/behave in virtual experiences, and understand their motivations and pain points. The information in these interviews will help us determine how to create an effective product for the users. All of your information will be anonymized, and only used for note-taking purposes, and you can drop out of the study at any point.

If you're interested in participating, please fill out this screener survey, read our terms and services, and we will contact you via email about setting up a time!

Online Environments Screener Survey

Thanks friends! Feel free to message me with any questions!
This thread is the place to share your gaming surveys for educational purposes or other.

Do not make a separate thread for that otherwise it will just be merged into this thread.
Hey I'm working on a gaming app and have a survey for people to take if you could fill it out that would be great!

Hello Everyone,
Happy to speak to fellow gamers.
I am a phd student doing research about Video game live streaming platforms, and I was hoping you could help me complete my research by filling the below form about your favourite streamer.

Thank you very much
Anybody who's played any video game (and probably especially online multiplayers) knows the joys, terrors, toxic communities and tilted players. For my Master's thesis, I'm trying to determine how good gamers are at managing their emotions and you can help me if you have 15 minutes to spare!

This survey takes around 15 minutes and consists of:
  • 3 questionnaires regarding your personality, emotion regulation and personal atittudes
  • questions regarding demographic metrics
  • questions regarding video gaming preferences and behaviours
As a side project, I was thinking of a way to give game suggestions based on various number of criteria.

It's pretty basic right now, you have 6 different types of profiles.
Each profile has one game linked to it, which should be related to the profile preferences.

So you get the profile which fits you the most as a player (trying not to spoil too much here) as well as one game linked to it.
For the time being, I have limited it to PC games.

I deliberately choose games which had a low to medium visibility on Steam, but still had a decent number of good reviews to ensure that they are complete games and not school/hobby projects.

You can check it out right here.

Disclaimer: I do not own/made any of the game presented as a recommendation there.
I do, however, have authorization from the studios to display their game.
I have no financial benefit in this project.
I made all the illustrations myself using Adobe Illustrator.


- Why only one game recommendation?

To keep the recommendation system a bit simpler to manage on my end, I have started with only one game recommendation.
However, 16 different games are listed in the system right now.

- The game I got do not match my preferences and or profile.

Sorry to hear it! I'm trying to make the system evolve with the users feedbacks, so it can be fixed!

- What do you do with my personal information?

The only question relative to your identity is the last one, regarding providing an email address.
This question is not mandatory, I have no way to link your answers to someone identity without it (and even with it, it would be overreaching a bit).

- How do you handle GDPR?

The survey tool I've used, Typeform, states that the creator of the survey is responsible for the data.
The data from this survey will be only available to myself, and since the email input is optional, I cannot link answers to a specific individual without its email.
This is such a good thread
I am doing research currently to establish what Gamers like us generally eat
Please help me out by completing this 3 min survey

I'm studying video game audio for my dissertation at university, particularly how it can be used as a game mechanic and I would be grateful for some help. I'm using a questionnaire to gather feedback about players gameplay experiences, attitudes towards certain aspects of game audio and the hardware they use for listening to their games. This information will then help to inform the design and development of an audio game in Unity. It should only take about 5 minutes to complete but responses would be really helpful, more info can be found at the start of the survey and all responses are anonymous. Thank you in advance to anyone that takes the time to complete it!

Link to the questionnaire: Microsoft Forms
Hi all,

I'm conducting user research to figure out the main pain points gamers face. If you have 2 minutes and are willing to provide anonymous responses, you can fill out the survey here. It will ask simple questions like what games you play, how many hours a week you play video games, etc. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Hello Everyone,

My name is Andrea. I am conducting research as a part of my Master’s thesis at the University of Lethbridge. I seek to explore female gamers’ experiences as they are interacting with other players and playing multiplayer online games.

I am seeking individuals who identify as female who also play online multiplayer games.

The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes. I would like to capture thoughts and perspectives on the player interactions that female gamers may be experiencing in game. Your responses to the questions in the Qualtrics survey will be kept confidential. There are no personal identifier questions.

There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will lead to valuable research information that can help inform and shape the online community. If you are willing to participate please click on the link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you for your time!
Hello everybody,

I need your support! For my bachelor’s thesis at the Technical University Chemnitz in Germany I’m currently hosting a survey about the game experience in League of Legends.

For this purpose, I need active League of Legends players of any rank (or without a rank). Being an active LoL player at the time of this posting is a requirement to take part in the survey, otherwise you won’t be able to participate.

The survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Afterwards, everyone is invited to take part in a raffle for 5x 20€ (or 20$) gift cards from Amazon or Steam, so there will be 5 winners total.

With the following link you can start the survey: Survey of game experience in League of Legends

Thanks in advance to everybody participating!

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