Opinion Marvel's Avengers on PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S with image quality, performance analysis, more

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Dec 4, 2020

We've been saying for a while now that pixel counts are less relevant in the 'post resolution era' - and Marvel's Avengers on Xbox Series X when compared to PlayStation 5 certainly proves the point. Beyond checkerboard vs native resolution rendering, beyond pixel counts, there are many factors that influence the presentation of any given game. Alex has the full story.

-PS5 and Series X both target 4k.
-PS5 is checkerboard rendering, while Series X is native.
-Both still use dynamic resolution scaling.
-Owing to its checkerboard solution, PS5's UI scales with resolution.
-PS5 has post-process elements that operate at a much lower resolution.
-All together, PlayStation 5 in performance mode has more obvious image quality concessions that become more evident as the effects work scales up.
-The game is clearer on Series X in performance mode due to these differences in how resolution is composed and how post-processing is delivered.
-PlayStation 5 can hold 60fps a little tighter than the Xbox consoles during intense destruction.
-A loading segment that took over a minute on PS4 Pro resolves in four seconds on PlayStation 5 rising to around six seconds on Series X.

Series S:
-Quality mode is 1440p/30fps locked. Lacks some visual features compared to the PS5 and Series X.
-Performance mode varies between 720-1080p/60fps. Further visual cutbacks.


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