Jetpacks to return in the next Call of Duty game? Perhaps!


The next Call of Duty game, scheduled to release later this year, may see the return of jetpacks despite the games director despising them.

A fan took to Twitter to ask the games director, David “Vahn” Vonderharr if there would indeed be jetpacks added back into the game when it makes it debut later this year. Emphatically, the director answered “NO!”. However, as fans continued to press and push the issue, he joked that he was being “hung from the highest branch” by the community that was a bit of a mainstay in Call of Duty games for a few years. Since that time, he’s softened his stance a little and even began to poke fun at people who are taking what he says so seriously. Seems like the inclusion of jetpacks in the latest game is still up for grabs!

Call of Duty 2020 is being kept safe under lock and key for obvious reasons but sources that spoke to Kotaku have alleged that the next game will be Black Ops V and will debut on both current and next-gen consoles. In addition, the sources note that the games campaign mode will span the entire 40 year period of the Cold War, meaning it may also feature the Vietnam and North Korean war timeline with the game said to be more graphic than Modern Warfare.

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