Is the Switch still worth the money?


New member
May 30, 2021
sHello Guys, I know that my question is kind of simple to answer but I need some Advice or Help.

I already had a switch, on which I enjoyed playing Zelda BoTW and Mario Odyssey. I liked these games very much for that time but at some point I didn’t find any good games anymore.

I sold the switch then to buy me a PS5, which also didn’t work.

Now I am thinking of getting a switch again, but it still costs at least 300 euros.

Would you invest them again, if so which games can you recommend me?

I’m afraid it’s not worth the 300 Euro

What do you say?
It's all about whether there are currently any games that you would enjoy on it. If you do, then I would get it again
I love my switch, but would love to see some more games rolled out. It is becoming a little...stale.
The games it offers is mainly family friendly oriented due to being a nintendo product with admittedly some outliers here and there. I personally like the games it offers but you might not so I suggest looking that stuff up yourself.

as for the system itself well it really depends on how where you plan on using it.
if you are planning on using outside alot then you'd best be prepared for pretty bad screen glares and battery issues, especially when hiking.
if you plan on just using it indoor and sometimes in the office while on break then you should be set.

if you're just gonna be using indoors then yeah, it's worth the money but if you're gonna be using it outdoors then nah, it aint since it's not only too fragile but it's also not properly built for it imo.
I'd probably try and hold off for as long as you possibly can.. Rumours of a "Switch v2 / Pro" refuse to die down, and if an announcement is made in the coming weeks/months, retailers will most likely run some promotions on the original consoles to shift their remaining stock - and the second hand market will become rife.
To be fair, the current Switch does the job really well for me. I'm not as hardcore as I was on consoles so I don't need something fancy - the Switch is a perfect size, and when we can travel again, it'll almost certainly be a companion on any trips I do. Lightweight, portable and a great little selection of games. I can (and have!) played Pokemon for several hours straight on it no worry. If I want to, I can just connect it up to the TV and enjoy that different experience as well. Certainly worth it still in my eyes.
I don't think there is anything wrong with the current console - I would like to see some more RPG's and I am looking forward to Resident Evil's latest offering.

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