How to combine gaming and academic success


Can academic success and gaming coexist? Gaming itself can be a great way to relax after an exhausting day in college and help overcome stress. In fact, playing games can give you more social interactions and increase your mood. According to the research, gamers have better academic performance and problem-solving skills than non-gamers. But at the same time, 48% of students who game every day have experienced adverse effects of gaming on academic performance. In the following piece, we will discuss how you can safely combine gaming and keep academic performance at a high level.

Set right priorities​

Whether you are building a career in esports or just love gaming, don’t underestimate the meaning of education. To stay successful in college, you need to dedicate enough time to studying and set the highest priority for your academic tasks. Schedule your gaming practices only after completing your homework and other duties. Gaming should be a reward for the hard work you put on the path of academic excellence. Also, try to avoid playing games all night long, as it may influence your productivity the next day.

Ask for help​

When scheduling and prioritizing haven’t worked, you need a backup plan. Think about how to deal with assignments and other academic tasks if you suddenly get sick or forget the deadlines. For example, if you can’t handle writing coursework, you can make a deal with your classmate who performs well in classes to help you or use coursework writing help like You will feel confident about any task you delegate when you have someone reliable to count on in a difficult situation. This option will help you keep your scores high and increase your academic performance.

Take breaks​

In order to keep productivity and focus:
  1. Don’t exhaust yourself with continuous studying.
  2. Combine study sessions with small breaks with your favorite game.
  3. Set a timer and start the game to recharge your mind.

For example, you can take a 15-minute break for a game after an hour of studying or after completing two pages of your essay. Give preference to short plays that are not difficult to set aside after the break ends. An ideal game for this could be freecell which is also commonly known as solitaire. The games are short and you can easily fit one in on a study break.

But be careful and avoid organizing long gaming breaks or making them too frequent. Don’t let gaming displace studying activities. You can mix gaming breaks with other activities like meditation practices and exercises.

Choose games wisely​

While we can say that simple games like three in a row can help you develop strategic skills, there is still room to choose. Select those games where you can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It has been proven that such types of games can positively influence your academic performance by improving your cognitive abilities. Moreover, such skills may benefit decision-making abilities that are important in various aspects of life.

Give preference to educational games​

Your love for gaming can be used in a proper way. Many applications and websites use gaming models for learning. With the help of such games, you can learn programming, solve math problems, learn new languages, and improve your logical thinking. All the new knowledge will positively influence your academic performance.

Improve time-management skills​

Organize your daily responsibilities and include time for gaming in your schedule by using tools like to-do lists and calendars. Taking regular breaks and wisely managing your spare time will help you maintain focus and avoid burnout. Setting goals and effective time management are essential for keeping your academic performance on a high level and organizing gaming sessions.

Join a college gaming club or team​

Many gamers experience trouble with communication and building relationships. Joining a college gaming club or an outside team will help you develop teamwork skills and communication. Becoming more social will be beneficial both for your academic and professional success. A gaming community may also help you extend your horizons and develop your critical thinking abilities. Creating connections with other players will increase your support network and feeling of belonging.

Track your screen time​

How to understand how much play is too much? According to NIH (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), the recommended safe time for young adults and adults is two hours of screen time for recreation. An extended time with screens may badly influence your cognitive functions and lead to bad academic performance, poor sleep, low physical activity, and headaches. Limit your time while playing games by turning on the alarm clock or setting the timer. When playing for an extended period of time, take care about keeping hydrated and having a walk or exercise between gaming sessions or right after the game.

Wrapping Up​

As you can see, combining gaming and high academic performance is possible. Keep a balance and plan your time to stay focused and productive with your studies. We hope our advice will help you. Good luck!
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