Do you play games on weekends?


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2019
Weekends are meant to be time for relaxation and rest. Some people prefer to hang out with friends and family members during weekends, while some people prefer to stay indoors and kill there time playing their favorite games.
Well, yes i do play games on the weekends these days. in the past i used to have a lot of free time and i used to play games most of the times. Nowdays due to my work commitments and schedule , i only get free time on the weekends. So, on the weekends, whatever free time i am able to get after relaxation, i do use it for my favorite hobby of playing games.
I always look forward weekends since it's my time where I can relax and one of my way of relaxing is playing games :)

Either I play mobile games, PC games or PS4 games depending on my mood :)

You know I can relieve the stress from work just by playing games :)
Of course. For the majority of people, myself included, we can't always find time on weekdays to play games so the weekend is probably the best time to get a few hours of gaming time. It's great to just have fun and relieve some stress. But again, that's only possible if you don't have any other things to do and other work but I usually try to find atleast 1 hour to play some games.
Most of the time I spend playing games during weekend due to it's my free time. Giving back to myself some time to relax, but sometimes I get used to the game and cannot resist, so it's not anymore relaxing, it's more of consuming hours again doing something, and this time playing games.
I definitely play games during weekend even though it is time for rest since playing games was one of my hobby before. Most of the time I am playing it whenever I have more vacant time so that I can enjoy for a while and forget all those office works that gives me some headaches and I believe that playing games can help me to feel relax and be stress free from doing it. It is good to have some unwind during weekends since it can really help us a lot to feel more comfortable.
Definitely! My weekends are usually for rest, and I like either watching Netflix to wind down from a stressful week or playing through my backlog of games. There's nothing more soothing than playing something I've been looking forward to all week while drinking some hot chocolate. It makes slogging through the work week a lot more bearable.
Yes, I play games during weekends. Our family bonding. It is very enjoyable playing with your family. Stress reliever and way of relaxation.
Well Yeah I sure do.Weekends , special occasions and every single time I meet up with my friends.
F.I.F.A is the main dish every time we meet.
The weekends are the most time when I play games because in the rest of the week I work for more than 12 hours a day, still, I do play some games on my cellphone while I am traveling to or from work.
Funnilly enough, I rarely play videogames on weekends. I spend so much time in front of a computer screen on weekdays, that when the weekend comes on I use that time to go to my Boyfriend's place, or to the mall, I do my nails, take my little nephew to get some icecream, etc.
I definitely play games on weekends, I do play during the week as well but on weekends I have more time to myself and I can really get to play as much as I want to. Besides, during the weekends I can concentrate more because I have more time and I can learn new tricks, so for me the weekend is definitely the best time to play games.
Even though I normally play games in the afternoon, I do not have a fixed schedule for playing games. I play games when I do not have anything to do or I am bored. In the weekends, when I am not busy, I do play games. However, it is not like I play games only in the weekends.
Of course. I see weekends as a time to relax and for me, games are a great way to relax. They also help me relieve any stress I built up during the weekdays due to work, etc. I also feel less guilty playing games during the weekend than on the weekdays. I don't really have a fixed work schedule since I'm a freelancer but I still have this thought that I should work on weekdays and relax on weekends so playing games on weekends is guilt-free or at the very least, less guilt inducing than on weekdays.
Yes I still play on the weekends SOMETIMES but limit it to only 2 hours max. The kids are home and they need their game time as well so I let them play before I do, we also use this time to bond over games. I do play on weekdays for about 6 hours after work of course LOL.
Most of my time I get to play is on the weekends. I'll play occasionally on the weekdays when I don't have too much homework that night, but the weekends are what I look forward to. Playing 3-4 hours straight is so much fun, albeit a bit bad for your health. :whistle:
I always play games! But weekends are sadly for me on the contrary seem to be the most busiest schedule-wise. So sadly playing games is very random. But back when I was a child a weekend + game = a lot of happy emotions.
Of course, the weekends are the best since my friends are unemployed and we can spend a lot of time online in cooperative missions or in pvp !
For me, any day is good for playing video games. But playing on weekends ends up being better for me because that's when I have more time and I can more pleasure to this (which is one of my favorite hobbies).

Oh, and because usually I can count with some friends to play in groups and because of this the fun is doubled.
Weekends are good for relaxing with friends and family. Gaming is also a good part of relaxing experience if you are the type of person who loves gaming. There are some people who don't fancy playing games at all for anything. But for me, I enjoy playing games during weekends.

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