News Biden says Trump is America’s first ‘racist’ president


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2018
Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, on Wednesday called President Trump the country’s first racist to be elected to the White House.The former vice president’s blunt assessment came during a virtual town hall organized by the Service Employees International Union after a health-care worker expressed concern that Trump continues to blame Asians for the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden signaled that he shared the questioner’s concern that Trump frequently refers to the pandemic as the “China virus,” saying, “the way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening.”
“No sitting president has ever done this,” Biden said. “Never, never, never. No Republican president has done this. No Democratic president. We’ve had racists, and they’ve existed, they’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has.”
“And the way he pits people against one another is all designed to divide the country, divide people, not pull them together,” Biden continued. “Look what he’s doing now. He’s blaming everything on China. … He’s using it as a wedge.”

Though Biden calls Trump the first racist to be president, history shows the United States has had leaders in the past who either were openly racists, such as enslavers, or expressed racist views or used racist language.
Andrew Jackson makes Donald Trump look like a teddy bear comparatively. The Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears says all. If I were to give the title of America’s first racist President, it would be Andrew Jackson. Biden’s off his rocker.
Andrew Jackson makes Donald Trump look like a teddy bear comparatively. The Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears says all. If I were to give the title of America’s first racist President, it would be Andrew Jackson. Biden’s off his rocker.
It's a bad and wildly inaccurate statement. I'm voting for Joe anyway.
With the election, He would and say anything to win his votes and get votes, but saying things to each other is very disrespectful even if true is a dosh and a dash. Trump is a crazy guy and makes me laugh at what he says. But some things I do agree with what trump does and other times I'm thinking to myself (WHAT THE FLIP) and I rip that any day.
1. Trump's illegal and legal immigration arguments are similar to Australia's existing points score immigration system. A Mexican is not limited to a single racial group.

2. Biden made his own racist comments i.e. race neutrality test failures.

PS; I have a Spanish background from my Dad's side. I'm a second-generation legal immigrant.
Trump isn't the worst but he is up there, he is a symbol for white power in an age where we're trying to find equality for everyone. It was made clear in the last (only?) debate.
There's nothing inherently racist with "America 1st" when being an American is not limited to a single race. Other countries have their 1st priority initiatives such as "China 2025" and "Made in India" programs.

Race-based socialism amounts to Jim Crow being rebooted and very close to NAZI/Yamato race's core idealogy.

The race neutrality test is simple.
Well Joe maybe a little wrong there, Those others were for sure leaning to that side. But where Joe is right, he just should have said in modern times. Now for Lincoln, we will never say that. Also for the others, we do not know just what their thoughts were. Also, Joe SAID the RACIST. He did not say Trump was just anti-Black, which he is. He said Racist, Now that takes into account a lot of countries with different colored skin. See Trump had bashed just about all dark-skinned people. He has called Mexican rapists, He has bad-mouthed Muslims and non-Christians. Oh, I would say Joe just might hit the nail on the head.
Well Joe maybe a little wrong there, Those others were for sure leaning to that side. But where Joe is right, he just should have said in modern times. Now for Lincoln, we will never say that. Also for the others, we do not know just what their thoughts were. Also, Joe SAID the RACIST. He did not say Trump was just anti-Black, which he is. He said Racist, Now that takes into account a lot of countries with different colored skin. See Trump had bashed just about all dark-skinned people. He has called Mexican rapists, He has bad-mouthed Muslims and non-Christians. Oh, I would say Joe just might hit the nail on the head.
Reminder, religion is not a human race i.e. it's an idealogy as any other religion. Any idealogy can be criticized.

Biden's racist skin color statements No Cookies | The Advertiser

Note that I have criticized the Catholic Church. I will criticize any idealogy that doesn't uphold religion and state separation, and the majority of Islamic countries have joint religion and state idealogy i.e. where's the reciprocity treatment? Trump did not criticize Buddhism.

Trump's real statement on "Mexican rapists" context

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best

They’re sending people who have lots of problems and they’re bringing their problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people

Trump is arguing for an Australian or New Zealand style point-score immigration system. UK is following Aussie style point-score immigration system. My parents have fulfilled Australia's point-score immigration assessment.
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Trump might have an ego but he's not a racist.
Trump and Biden have the same berry field.
Politics is one big theater ! Let the simple people give at least a penny of their millions ! I am sure that they have billions of dollars on their bitcoin wallets ! For so many years now, people would be better to see how poor old people live, not beautiful speeches in people spoke! It should be a shame for both of them!
Trump and Biden have the same berry field.
Politics is one big theater ! Let the simple people give at least a penny of their millions ! I am sure that they have billions of dollars on their bitcoin wallets ! For so many years now, people would be better to see how poor old people live, not beautiful speeches in people spoke! It should be a shame for both of them!

The election really had no winner, I hope in 4 years a true leader steps up.
How come nobody with sense always runs for Prime Minister and President then you have even bigger idiots voting the clowns to win. Their supposed to run the countries and world but they spend too much time on fake images selling a dream no wonder we're all going to shit.
How come nobody with sense always runs for Prime Minister and President then you have even bigger idiots voting the clowns to win. Their supposed to run the countries and world but they spend too much time on fake images selling a dream no wonder we're all going to shit.
"Elections" in general require two things:
  1. Money and lots of it.
  2. Popularity or know how to be popular.
It also doesn't help how in countries such as America the behind the scenes stuff often gets fiddled with in favor for x or y candidate to the point where "dead voters" (aka voters who are dead but still voted despite being buried/cremated) have been a thing since the 90s and are only being uncovered now due to the suit by trump on voter fraud. there is also the cases of rampant lies and broken promises which from where I was grown up (downtown) would land you in dangerously hot water. then there is the case of how to even apply for any candidate of any office you'll have to go through a long winded process that filters out people with low income and a few others but mostly those with low income, this is why you often see elections for mayor and etc that go uncontested (otherwise known as the "i'm your only option" elections) which happens so often that you're guaranteed to see "elections" with only one person on them in certain counties in the states.

but most american citizens already know that the elections are a joke due to how badly their managed and gated. this is why most citizens (at least from where I grew up) don't care about them and often don't vote. if america wanted to they can improve it in various of degrees but they won't and because they wont you'll often get the same type of people running for office and the controlling laws, just under different names and ethnicities.

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