3 Top War Thunder British Planes That Are Powerful


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2021

Brits have quite maneuvrable and noob-friendly planes on the list. They’re usually well-armed and durable enough to last for long periods of time, they’re not as agile as the Japs but they get the job done in terms of versatility - you want bombers? No problemo. Do you want dogfighters? Sure, there ya go. Dive bombers - you get the idea. The Brits got everything and that’s why I’ll mention a few of their planes. This time it’s going to be the highest ranks, aka V, VI and VII!

3. Sea Venom FAW 20​


Looks weird..

But it’s a remarkable aircraft. If you’re flying on a map where airports are not available on land, you can always land on a carrier if skilled enough. Bomber hunting goes pretty well for this plane, thanks to its decent ammo capacity and speed, you can be sure that you won’t run out of ammo fast and be able to catch up with bombers at high altitudes. The speed can also be used for boom and zooming tactics, so feel free to climb altitudes, descend and pick off planes. Even though you’re the fastest plane in your rank, a MIG-15, which is 1 rank higher than you, will be able to catch up with you and destroy you - that’s why if you see a MIG-15 from afar away, avoid it at all cost!

Why this plane is awesome:
  • Good ammo capacity
  • Excellent for bomber hunting
  • Boom and zoom methods apply to this plane


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