Opinion This almost makes me miss the old Nintendo...


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2020
No, not the Nintendo that had a seal of quality like Rich brings up. But I remember when Nintendo thought the US market could not handle blood or seeing crosses or cleavage...

But apparently today's Nintendo almost let a literal masturbation simulator slip through the cracks. The last console I owned was a Game Cube. I've been a Nintendo Fanboy for pretty much my entire life. (I skipped the other consoles, because I more or less skipped gaming altogether after that). But I will I would never buy an official Nintendo product ever again. Not because of this, but because I've still not forgiven them for the crap the pulled on Youtube several years ago, making people sign up to be a partner and give Nintendo half of their revenue if they wanted to cover Nintendo games without getting a copyright strike.

Yeah, they walked that back, but it took years for them to knock that crap off, and I've still not forgiven them for it.

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I still miss the Nintendo seal of quality, but yeah I feel like Nintendo has gotten laxed of late.
I used to be a big Nintendo fan, properly starting with the SNES. Looking back though, the SNES was great in my eyes not just because of the Nintendo games, but because of the great 3rd party offerings. Moving on to the N64 sand GC I stayed "loyal" to Nintendo but then realised that all of the enjoyment from the SNES was not actually down to Nintendo and that is why I did not enjoy the N64 and GC as much.

I actually had a Wii on order (back in the day when they were like gold dust) but due to a cock up at the shop (they called me when it was in, I wasn't around to answer the phone so they sold it to someone else!), I bought a PS3 instead and very glad I did. I did get a Wii eventually for my kids and also bought a Wii U some years later, but I'm now sort of over Nintendo and can't see myself going back as they lack the sort of games and variety that I want to play and what J enjoyed in the SNES days.
I missed the time when a nintendo console means a durable, long lasting console that could suffer some beating

nowadays look at the switch, the joycon fault and the fragile dock, ah....

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