The Top 5 Kenshi Best Race Mods That Are Excellent


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2021

I was always wondering why Kenshi devs didn’t include more races to play. Like, why can’t I play as a cannibal? Or a southern hiver? Or the fishman? It always bothered me but thanks to the modding community, these problems no longer exist. I will include a list of mods that allow you to play as the previously mentioned races and a few new ones. The first one will be about something else though:

5. Race Blood​


Well, it IS a “race” mod!

This simply adds different blood colors to each race. Humans have red blood(obviously), the Hivers have orange blood, Fishmen have yellow blood, etc. Each vanilla race has a different blood color. Might work with other race mods!

Why this mod is great:
- If your squad consists of multiracial individuals, you can expect a Picasso painting during combat!
- Makes races more unique
- Seriously, some of these colors are beautiful - Dull aqua, Milky blue, and even Magenta!

4. Alive? - The Parasite​


Dear god… What the hell is this?

This mod adds a new race to the world of Kenshi. It happens when a victim gets infected by a blood spider and it somehow makes the victim grow sharp, blade-like limbs and the body looks like it’s deprived of skin. The eyes are blood-red and the playable characters come in different variants. Disturbing and disgusting. I love it!

Unfortunately, this mod is still in progress - you can still play it but it’s not entirely finished. Still worth the download!

Why this mod is great:
- Unique and BLOODY race for you to play
- Different playable characters
- New armor and other items

3. God Race​


Become a gawd, m8.

Jesus H. Christ. Thanks to this mod, you become a god. You don’t care about anything anymore. The wounds that you receive from the opponents get quickly regenerated, you have a massive amount of hit points… you are indestructible!

This is a perfect mod if you just wanna test some things or are just sick of leveling up your stats all over again.

Why this mod is great:
- 5000 hit points
- 20% leveling boost to all stats
- Little hunger rate.


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