The biggest challenges in the gaming industry


Dec 15, 2021
Now, these days the online game business is one of the fastest-growing businesses. People earn millions of dollars from their online game idea. The online video game business was started in 1940 at “New York World’s Fair” by Dr. Edward Unhler Condon. He created a mathematical game of Nim. But in the 60s companies like Sega & Atari were recognized worldwide for online video game development. Since that time people have been running their online game business successfully. After 50 Years of legacy now there are thousands of successful online games business owners.

Online game business owners have millions of users, thousands of platforms, hundreds of countries but game business owners are facing some problems in the terms of revenue, management, society, and others, If you are planning to start a game business then keep these online gaming business-related problems in mind and start to find solutions before you start your business-

Legal regulations by the government-​

Especially when you start an online game business, keep government rules and regulations in mind. You need to talk to a concerned person or consultant. There are different types of games, so obviously, rules and regulations are different.
One major problem that occurs in competitive games is gambling. You need to understand gaming and gambling before starting an online game business. Also if you are planning to do a Casino game business or Poker game business then, these business rules and taxations are different-different. You need a license from the government to run these businesses.

Market Saturation-​

Everybody knows that after COVID-19 digital transformation changed the entire world. The game business is also affected by this. Here we do not talk about bigger games especially in casino games, it is easy to create a website and maintain engagement with online game users. There are millions of users but they do not want to the change current provider or they do not want to trust a new game provider. So these types of game business owners are facing some problems, but do not worry, you can still defeat your competitor with the help of perfect marketing, customer satisfaction, and better user experience.

Loot Boxes-​

I hope as a game business owner you are aware of Loot Box, still there are thousands of people who are not aware of Loot Box. Let me clarify, Loot Boxes are digital files and are provided as a reward in the game. This is something that is popular in-game, but in reality, this is a kind of gambling. The use of loot boxes in games got controversial in many countries globally like the USA, UK, Germany and is currently banned in Belgium and Netherland.

Even though in many cases users get something convenient for their character or game, but there are several times when the value of the loot box is smaller than the amount the user paid for the actual loot box. This could be classified as gambling, which means that different regulations come into place. Another problem here is the fact that plenty of minors buys loot boxes, without realizing what they actually are. The general opinion is that loot boxes will not disappear, but they might be redesigned in the future in order to eliminate this gambling aspect.

Find a perfect game development company-

After understanding the game development process, you can find a perfect mobile game development company for your game business but after doing small research you can find the best company according to your needs. You have to search for the perfect company otherwise it will be trouble for you. You can search company profiles, their reviews, their client’s feedback, and other things as well.

Finding potential staff-​

When I talk to the game business owners, they are always worried about the staff or people who are working for their gaming organization. In the gaming industry dedicated people are needed. I can not suggest anything here because it depends on the kind of mindset they have at the workplace and why they are working for in-game organizations. Trust me a person makes millions of dollars if he/she finds a formula for finding the best employees”. But also a small business is like a family. If you have small teams then you can take care of your team as a guardian so they can work dedicatedly with your game business.


Harassment is one of the major problems in-game studios. Game business owners are suffering this problem very badly. Sometimes it happens at gaming studios that people harass girls intentionally or unintentionally which affects the image of the game and business owner also. As a game business owner, this is your duty to create strict terms and conditions.

Duplicity/ Copycat business models -​

In the gaming business, there are thousands of game business owners who are already well established, and every day thousands of people join the game business. Some game business owners who copy others’ ideas and create games like them. This step-by-game business owner creates duplicity. This copied model divides your customers into 2 businesses. It affects your revenue and customer base of course.

Privacy and hackers-​

Privacy is the first priority for game users. In some cases, it happens that hackers will attack your game user’s database. This data will be shared over the dark web. This creates trouble for the users and affects your business. To protect your game platform from hackers, keep highly secured servers and the team should be professional to take care of this.

Cash Flow and Funding-​

Last but not least, if you have unlimited money to run your game business then you are not going to face this situation because one day you will receive your ROI. But especially if you are starting a game business and are not able to wait for ROI then you might be in trouble. It is compulsory that you have backup options to manage the cash flow. It will take some time to succeed but we can assure you that you will receive your ROI.


The game business is one of the most evergreen businesses always. If you are worried about the problems that occur as a game business owner then my dear keep one thing in mind “every problem has a solution, you just need to work on it”.
I think the new issue to watch out for are NFT's, I really don't want games to go down this route, lots of rumours though about this.. I don't like it
I think the new issue to watch out for are NFT's, I really don't want games to go down this route, lots of rumours though about this.. I don't like it

I hate how this is actually an issue, I think it's just a joke that is going too far.

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