Promote your video game streaming channel & videos here

Alright! Well, I've got some nostalgia/older looking games type content going on on a youtube channel I've recently started. I'm going through the gems of my formative years, and whipping out a fair bit of skill to show people how it can be done! The skills have been acquired by playing the games an alarming amount of hours in my younger days. Hopefully some of you will enjoy some of my content!

I'll just leave you with the first video of a playlist where I play through my favourite Close Combat game for now! How old am I? Old enough that I should be ashamed of self promoting like this, that's for sure! But I'm a shameless guy, so you know... what do I care, right?

Well! That's the first drop I'm dripping through! Hopefully it won't be hated on too much! More might appear in the future. And; I'm new to the forum, but I will certainly do other stuff than just post my own videos - I'll drop in on some topics here and there for sure, whenever I feel like my stupid opinion might be warranted!

Have a good one!
Used to stream on Mixer, but they shut down, so I got a Twitch account now. I don't got a schedule and generally go live whenever I'm able to do so. I also got a profile and I'll be checking that out once it goes live.....

SmokeyRev on Twitch | Smokey's Profile - Glimesh
Nice how long youve been broadcasting?

Hows it going my friend?

Nice videogame i need to catch up

Whoa the finally made a sequel to this game?

Never played football on playstation

This game takes me way back, so much nostalgia
Well, well, well... I would like to (once again shamelessly) direct your attention towards another one of my playlists. This one is not quite finished yet, but it's first on my to-do list.

I'm playing through Railroad Tycoon 2. Anyone else been there and done that? If so, you know what's up! It's an oldie but a goldie! Now me personally, I've spent way too many hours on this game over the decades. Probably in the several thousands range. Should I be ashamed? Maybe. Do I not have a life? For sure not. Am I going for gold medals on every single scenario in the campaign, to claim 36 gold medals in total in the long run, like some insanely drugged up olympic athlete? Damn right!!! You're welcome to come along for the ride!

I'm quite experienced with this game, as I am indeed lowlife scum - but the kind with a good heart! So, I've decided to share my experience with the world! Hopefully you can find some enjoyment with this, or learn a thing or two!

Alright! That's all she wrote for now!
Oh, and here's the Russian playthrough of the game I posted first. Not Russian in language, but Russian as in the nation in WW2!

Have you ever played Conquest of Elysium 5? If not, you should! (If you love 4x games) Check it out!


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